chapter thirty-two

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"Jasper,  we can't find sit around and wait, for all we know Monty and Harper could be in grave danger" Anastasia yelled, so far Monty has been gone for only a few hours but they were already worried, especially after Harper

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"Jasper,  we can't find sit around and wait, for all we know Monty and Harper could be in grave danger" Anastasia yelled, so far Monty has been gone for only a few hours but they were already worried, especially after Harper.

"We're not sitting around!" Jasper countered, "Maya is checking for them" he continued, "Monty is my best friend!" He yelled back.

"Can we just all calm down" Miller stepped in between them, "We all are looking for them"

"No! We" Anastasia motioned to the group, "We are standing around, waiting for our people to come back" she stated, walking towards the door, "Well I'm not" she opened the door rushing out ignoring the disagreements coming from Jasper and Miller.

"Anastasia!" Miller called running after her, "You can't go out on your own when they are picking us off" he stated grabbing her arm.

"I can handle myself, Miller" Anastasia uttered placing a hand on his that was holding her arm. She slid it off, "I promise I'll be safe, but I can't just sit around anymore"

"Yeah I know" Miller responded, "Just try to come back in one piece" he uttered, before clearing his throat, "Wrong choice of words, just go find our people" he cheered as Anastasia headed down the hallway, making her way to the unmarked parts.

She thought her best bet was the medical wing, but she knew that if she tried what she did last time she would end up back in the psych ward or worst. So Anastasia planned that she would look around in the areas the surround the medical room.

"If I were a secret room where they conducted experiments of innocence kids where would I be?" Anastasia questioned out loud as she began opening up doors finding nothing but supplies.

"Anything I can help you with?" Anastasia turned around abruptly to find Dr.Tsing standing in front of her, holding a clipboard in her hand.

"No, nope, no" Anastasia fumbled moving away from the open door behind her, holding her arms behind her back.

"It looks like you're looking for something" Tsing retorted looking at the open door.

"Just bandages" Anastasia replied trying to clear up her mess. Miller's words echoing in her head, "I'm just going to head back now" she added walking back towards the dorm.

"If you need bandages, I can get you some" Tsing indicated towards the hallway, "Just follow me"

"No, i'm fine" Anastasia uttered slowly backing away. She hit a wall, a pudgy wall. Her hands reached back as she felt the built pecs of two men. Her hands were slowly bent around her back.

Fallen: b.b (book 1)  REWRITING Where stories live. Discover now