Urns, Imprinting, Abandoning, and Everything in Between

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"Kenny, I can't take her.."I pleaded as the tears fled from my eyes onto my shirt and the urn.

"Liana, she may have been my sister but she loved you more.." Kenny choked up a little, it must have been hard for her to say that about her sister, and Kenny knew I never liked Sandra to begin with. It was an emotional rollercoaster for the both of us.

I looked down at the urn, purple and slightly metalic. I rubbed the side, hoping Sandra would become a genie and her ghostly appearance would come out and offer me three wishes. I would wish for my dad to come back to life, along with Sandra and for me to fall in love with Jake. But eveyone knows you can't wish for the dead to come back alive and you can't wish for love.

I looked up at Kenny, she opened her mouth and said, "Can we talk in.. private?" Kenny looked behind her and saw most of the guys still in a group.

"Of course. Let me just put this.." I stopped and reworded myself, "Put Sandra in my room.."

"I'll be outside waiting.." Kenny sniffed and gave me a quick hug. Sandra was pushed up aganist my chest, it hurt but I didn't notice the difference from when she wasn't pushed up agaisnt my chest. Kenny walked out the front door and I stood with a dead life in my hands.

I quickly turned and headed into the room, I didn't want sympathy from the others. As I stepped into the room, I saw Jake stand up from the bed. He opened his arms to give me a hug but stopped as soon as he saw the purple urn.

"Sandra's back.." I lightly chuckled and sniffed. And right then, I broke down. The chest pain came as I wheezed, also from Jake giving me a reassuring hug. I pulled back and set Sandra on my bed, then I reached for Jake. Jake's warmth was the only thing I could make me happy, since it's the only thing that was mine now. Even though it wasn't official yet.

"Is this the part where I say something comforting and sarcastic to make you feel better..?" Jake chuckled in my ear, his voice was lightly and friendly.

"I like the silence, if you don't mind.." I sniffed, "It helps me think.."

"Thinking can be a bad thing, LIana. It could lead to thoughts.." Jake gripped a little, not wanting me to leave his side and also because he couldn't imagine me wanting to kill myself.

"I know, but I wouldn't do that to you. I love you too much to make you suffer.." I pulled my head back and lightly smiled to reassure Jake that I really was okay, even though I wasn't. Silence fell again, it was bittersweet, "Oh shit, I gotta go outside and talk to Kenny.." I wiped my nose with my sleeve.

"Come on.." Jake held my hand and walked me out of the room.

Everybody was still in the living room, but as soon as Jake and I came into view, Jared came up to us, "K-Kenny isn't outside.."

"What?" I pulled away from Jake and rushed to the front door, but before I grabbed the handle, I noticed Embry was standing in front of the steps, facing the dirt road. I pulled the front door open, "Embry.."

I walked down the steps and stood beside him, I could see the car tires marks from Kenny's car, the tires marks that came in and came out. I started to cry again, the only person who could feel my pain has left into the oblivion. But why?

"Embry, what happened?" I faced him.

Embry slowly turned, his face horrified like he saw a ghost, maybe Sandra's but his eyes were red like mine and was speechless, "I'm so sorry..."

"Why? What did you do?" I raised my voice.

"I-I didn't mean to, I couldn't control it.." Embry stayed like a statue.

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