The Neighborhood Welcoming

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After practice, Jaden (holding his skateboard) was walking around town with Katie, Sydney, and Smooth talk Ken (while holding their surfboards). Along the sidewalk.

"Our coach lacks confidence." said Sydney

"You really think so?" said Katie

"Obviously." said Sydney

"He's just upset that we lost our star surfer." said Smooth talk Ken, walking with his surfboard.

"That's true, but why does he have to pick on us?" said Sydney

"Now that Sydney, is a question I don't want to ask," said Katie

"Why?" said Jaden

"Because if you ask him a question like that, he'll yell at you." said Smooth talk Ken

"Yeah, like Ken asking a dumb question like that yesterday." said Sydney

"That's right Sydney. Hey how did you know? You came late to practice." said Smooth talk Ken

"I could hear Coach Dolphin's voice from a mile away," said Sydney, as she starts to laugh a little.

"Oh." said Smooth talk Ken, as he starts to blush.

Smooth talk Ken, Katie, Sydney, and Jaden stopped by Smooth talk Ken's father's mini market store, to get a snack.

"Second casa, sweet second casa. Jaden, welcome to my father's mini mart." said Smooth talk Ken, as he walks into the entrance.

"Cool." said Jaden

"I know right." said Smooth talk Ken

Katie and Sydney started to walk into different rows. To search for their favorite snacks.

"We have everything here." said Smooth talk Ken, as he walks over to get a bag of chips.

"Cool." said Jaden

"So, what do you think of buying?" said Smooth talk Ken

"Um, some skittles for my stepmother, and some Snickers." said Jaden

"Cool, right this way bruh." said Smooth talk Ken, as he shows Jaden the way to the candy bar section.

After getting their snacks, they then left the mini market store and went to their neighborhood area.

"So you guys live in the same neighborhood area, right next to where I live?" said Jaden

"Yeah, bruh. We are going to be your new neighbors." said Smooth talk Ken

Katie and Sydney, who were walking in front of Jaden and Smooth talk Ken, stopped walking (after looking at Mrs. Mica putting in some party supplies into her house). Jaden (not knowing where he was going) bumps into Katie, while Smooth talk Ken (not knowing where he was going as well) bumps into Sydney.

"Oof." said Smooth talk Ken, Katie, Sydney, and Jaden

"Sorry." said Jaden, picking up Katie's surfboard from the floor.

"It's okay, and thank you." said Katie, as Jaden hands her surfboard to her.

Sydney then picks up her surfboard and looks at Mrs. Mica. While Smooth talk Ken picks up his surfboard.

"Woah, bruh. Looks like our grandmother is going to make you a welcoming party." said Smooth talk Ken

"Wait, your grandmother is Mrs. Mica?" said Jaden

"Yes." said Smooth talk Ken and Katie

"Why do you ask," said Sydney

"Oh... Just, because." said Jaden

"Because, she was the first one who went to go visit you." said Katie

"How did you know?" said Jaden

"Oh, because she said that she was going to go and visit the new neighbors." said Smooth talk Ken

"And you and your stepmom are the new neighbors." said Sydeny

"Yes." said Jaden

Before any of them can say another word, Mrs. Mica then takes a peek and sees her grandkids with Sydney and Jaden.

"Oh, Katie and Ken!" said Mrs. Mica, as she rushes towards them.

"Oh no. Here she comes." said Smooth talk Ken

"Katie and Ken, put those surfboards away and come help me set up the big welcoming party for our new neighbors! Jaden, here are some treats that I bought for you and your stepmother." said Mrs. Mica, as she gives Jaden a mini paper gift bag.

"Thank you, Mrs. Mica." said Jaden

"Now come on kids." said Mrs. Mica, as she grabs both Smooth talk Ken and Katie with their hands and walked with them to their house.

"See you later Jaden." said Katie

"But grandma, we're 17." said Smooth talk Ken, as he pretends to whimper.

When Mrs. Mica, left with Smooth talk Ken and Katie, Sydney was still with Jaden.

"Well, I got to go home. And get ready. Bye Jaden, it was nice meeting you." said Sydney, as she leaves to her house.

"Bye Sydney." said Jaden, and he waved at Sydney and went to his new house.

When entering his house, he then finds Jessica still doing her morning yoga. On her yoga mat.

"Hi Jessica, I'm back." said Jaden

"Hello Jaden, how was your trip around town?" said Jessica

"It was great, I met Mrs. Mica's grandson and granddaughter, a friend and their surfing team." said Jaden, as he puts the mini paper gift bag, on the table.

"That's nice, and what's in the bag?" said Jessica

"Mrs. Mica gave it to me. Oh and this is for you." said Jaden, as he hands Jessica the bag of Skittles.

"Skittles, my favorite. Oh thank you, Jaden" said Jessica, as she opens them up.

"You're welcome." said Jaden, as he takes out an envelope and a small box from the mini paper gift bag.

Jessica then walks up to Jaden and gets the envelope, while Jaden opens the box that had a warning sign and two LED light up bracelets.

"Cool bracelets. Warning, open the envelope carefully. Or else... Or else what?" said Jaden

When Jessica opened the envelope, the envelope then gave a sound and confetti started to pop everywhere from the envelope. And on Jessica.

"Ah!" yelled Jessica, as she drops the envelope on the floor.

Jaden then picks it up.

"You are invited, to your own welcoming party. Where? at Mrs. Mica's house, When? Today at 6:00pm - 10:00pm. Who's invited? Everyone." said Jaden, as he reads the envelope.

Jessica then clears herself from all of the confetti that popped out from the envelope.

"Well, I better make something to eat, in order to get ready for later." said Jessica, as she heads to the kitchen.

"And I will clean this up." said Jaden, as he gets the vacuum and starts to clean up all of the confetti from the floor.

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