Round 2

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The next day, while Smooth talks Ken, Katie, Sydney, and Jaden along with their surfboards were walking on the shore with their coaches, who were walking in front of them.

"Come on Katie, it can't be that bad." said Sydney

"Not bad? Sydney, in clear capital letters says that "Katie and her date, the new rookie for The Dolphin Surfing Team, Jaden, were with their teammates taking a team photo and a buddy picture ." Now after a few paragraphs, it also clearly says, "That there are rumors that the two are dating, due to seeing them hold hands secretly behind their other teammates." According to the picture, that is in the left panel. Apparently, this information was also cleared by Katie's grandmother, who is the second coach for The Dolphins Surfing Team, Mrs. Mica." said Katie

"Your grandmother had also agreed to it?" said Sydney

"She was the one that told the press, I mean the news paper reporters." said Katie

"Oh." said Sydney

"And now, I can't even look at Jaden. Because, he won't even look at me." said Katie

"Wait, hold on... Did you two really hold hands?" said Sydney

"What? No! We weren't holding hands. Jaden, just had one of his right hand in his pocket, while my left hand was on my side." said Katie

"Oh." said Sydney   

There was a long pause, after Katie looked at Jaden, and the two made eye contact with each other, and looked away from each other.

"Hold on, and this is embarrassing why exactly?" said Sydney

"Because..." said Katie, as she looks at Sydney, and starts to blush.

Sydney then gasps.

"You like Jaden, don't you?" said Sydney

"What? No, I... I... Ooh." said Katie, as she stuttered her own words.

"Yes, you do." said Sydney

"No." said Katie

"Yes." said Sydney

"No." said Katie

"Yes." said Sydney

"Yes." said Katie

"Yes! I knew it!" said Sydney

Katie then paused for a moment.

"What just happened?" said Katie

"You just admitted that you do like him!" said Sydney

"You tricked me!" said Katie

"Sorry, but I had too. You wouldn't admit it, so I had to use reverse psychology, on you." said Sydney

"ALL SURFERS PLEASE HEAD TO THE SHORE TO GET READY!!!" said a staff person, with a microphone.

"Come on, let's go." said Katie, as she and Sydney walked closer to Jaden and Smooth talked to Ken.

After the pistol sounded, four surfers from every team raced into the water, all of them except for Smooth talk Ken (because his surfboard was still broken). Smooth talk Ken, had stayed back with his coaches, looking at the surfers wave riding.

Meanwhile in the commentary section, in which Chad and Josie were sitting in their same seats from last Round commentary.

"Annnd we are back!!!" said Chad, excitedly.

"And Live! Welcome! Ladies and gentlemen, to another Surfing Round Competition!" said Josie, excitedly

"Yes, well we with not only commentate about today's competition, but also Draft Night's best memories!" said Chad

"Well I wouldn't say best memories, Chad." said Josie

"Oop, Josie. It appears that Zack from the EELS Surfing Team, had just earned a 7.5!" said Chad

"Already?!" said Josie

"Yup." said Chad

"And look, Izabel from the Starfish Surfing Team, had also just scored a 7.5 as well!" said Josie

"Yeah, well speaking of Izabel from the Starfish Surfing Team. It appears that the night of Draft Day, both Izabel from the Starfish Surfing Team, and Katie from the Dolphin Surfing Team, were really in shocked to hear their names being called on for the drafts to the surfing team." said Chad

"I have to admit, I was also shocked to see that." said Joise

"You and me both." said Chad

"But, everything was cleared out at the end, and both Katie and Izbel stayed in their same surfing teams." said Josie

"Whew! That's a relief!" said Chad

"I know." said Joise

"Joise! Katie, from the Dolphins had just scored a 7.5!" said Chad

"Chad! Sydney, from the Dolphins, had just scored a 7.0!" said Joise

"The Dolphins, are getting into a pretty good start!" said Chad

"Maya! Maya, from the EELS had just scored a 7.0!" said Joise

A few minutes later...

"Tony, from the EELS had just scored a 7.5!" said Chad

"Looks like the EELS are on fire, today!" said Josie

"Zack! Another 7.5!" said Chad

"Jaden! The Rookie Dolphin had just scored a 7.5!" said Josie

"Sydney! Had just scored a 7.5!" said Chad

"Katie! Had also just scored a 7.5 as well!" said Josie

"Izabel!  From the Starfish surfing team had just scored a 7.5!" said Chad

"Oh no! Look out!" said Josie

A few more minutes later...

"Ouu... looks like Zack had just bumped into Jaden, The Rookie Dolphin!" said Chad

"He bumped him off his surfboard!" said Joise

"While Zack leaves Jaden alone. Jaden is trying to get on his surfboard, in where he successfully does so." said Chad

"I hope that he is okay." said Josie

"I hope so too. Joise, I hope so too." said Chad

"It looks like Jaden is being called in to get checked. As Zack is being escorted out of the competition due to his poor behavior." said Josie

"Yes, and now there's only a few minutes left for the competition." said Chad

"Yes, and as you can see the scoreboard here, the EELS are in 1st place, Dolphins are in 2nd place, and the Starfish in 3rd." said Joise

Just then they both hear the airhorn.

"And the competition is over." said Chad

"Everyone have a good day, and we will see you ladies and gentlemen in next surfing round competition." said Joise

"Yes, we will." said Chad

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