Coach "Mica" Dolphin

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"I knew this was a bad idea." said Sydney

"Syd, come on. Jaden tired to prove himself." said Smooth talk Ken

"Yeah, and ended up losing." said Sydney

"Lose or Win. I would also do the same." said Smooth talk Ken

"And embarrassed yourself." said Sydney

"Well yeah, like I always do." said Smooth talk Ken

"Of course you do." said Sydney, as they were walking towards their stop.

Guys, really, honestly just leave it." said Katie, as she looks at Jaden.

"I'm really sorry guys." said Jaden

"Don't worry about it Jaden, either way we won't be able to practice either way." said Katie

"Yeah, because the EELS, took our only coach." said Smooth talk Ken

"We'll let them have him. He was tired of us anyway." said Sydney

While walking, Katie, Smooth talk Ken, Jaden, and Sydney saw that Mrs. Mica was walking their way.

"Oh no, it's grandmother. Katie, what do we do?" said Smooth talk Ken

"What do you mean?" said Jaden

"We haven't told her about our coach, or that we are not going to compete in this year's surfing tournament." said Katie

"Oh." said Jaden

"Oof. This will not be good." said Sydney

"Kate! Ken! Why didn't you tell me about the news!" said Mrs. Mica, as she walked towards them.

"She knows? How?!" said Smooth talk Ken

"More like who told her? I am she is the gossip queen." said Katie

"Oh, right." said Smooth talk Ken

"Hi Sydney, hi Jaden. As for you two (Mrs. Mica then looks at both Katie and Ken) Why didn't you two tell me that you won't compete in this year's tournament? And why didn't you tell me that your coach, what's his name, had quit on you guys?" said Mrs. Mica

"Grandmother how did you know about that?" said Katie

"Yeah, who told you?" said Ken

"Well I heard it from Maya, who heard it from Jasper, who heard it from Amy, who heard it from Tony, who heard it from Mrs. Tina, who heard it from Austin, who heard from Mrs. Pricilla, who heard it from Jane, who heard it from Zack." said Mrs. Mica

"Wow. That's a long list." said Sydney

"Yeah, well don't worry about the coach or the team. Because I took care of it, as soon as I heard it in my morning walk." said Mrs. Mica

"Who did you took care of it?" said Katie

"Surprise! I registered to become your new coach!" said Mrs. Mica

"What?!" said Katie, Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, and Jaden

"I knew, you'll love the news!" said Mrs. Mica

"Grandmother, that's amazing!" said Katie

"I know." said Mrs. Mica

"How?" said Smooth talk Ken

"No one can argue with me." said Mrs. Mica, as she winked at both Katie and Ken.

"Yup." said Smooth talk Ken

"Come on now we have a lot of work to do." said Mrs. Mica

"Like what grandmother?" said Katie

"Just come with me and I'll tell all of you guys on the way there. You to, come Jaden and Sydney." said Mrs. Mica

"Okay." said Sydney

"I'm sorry Mrs. Mica, but I can't come." said Jaden, as he looks at Mrs. Mica.

"But why not Jaden? Aren't you part of the Dolphin team as well? Did Katie and Ken not let you join the team?" said Mrs. Mica, looks at Jaden.

"No, it's not that. It's just that today is fitness day, and well my father always tests me by doing push ups, sit ups, pulls ups, and other regular fitness activities. And well it's mandatory, because we will be face timing it, and my stepmother will be marking the time." said Jaden

"A fitness test?! For what? You're on vacation. Who does your father think he is? Hm, I am going to have a little talk with him. But for right now I will need your shirt size and your short size, on this notepad." said Mrs. Mica

"For what?" said Jaden

"I was going to take the four of you to get your new uniforms, since the old ones that Ethan gave you are too raggy." said Mrs. Mica

"What?" said Sydney

"Cool." said Smooth talk Ken

"Woah." said Katie

"It was going to be a surprise at first, but since you are not coming with us then I suggest that I should at least get your size." said Mrs. Mica, as she hands Jaden a pen and the notepad.

Jaden then starts to write his size. Once he was done writing, Jaden then gives Mrs. Mica back the pen and the notepad to her.

(Jaden's phone then dings, as he receives a message on his phone.)

"Oh no, I'm late!" said Jaden, as he checked his phone and the message that he got.

"Aw, man." said Smooth talk Ken

"Do you want a ride home, Jaden?" said Mrs. Mica

"No, thank you Mrs. Mica. I am just going to jog there." said Jaden

"Are you sure?" said Mrs. Mica

Jaden then puts on his backpack, and holds on to his surfboard.

"Yes, I'm really sure Mrs. Mica, thank you." said Jaden

"Are you really sure brahh." said Smooth talk Ken

Jaden then looks at Mrs. Mica, Katie, Smooth talk Ken, and Sydney.

"Yes, really. See you later Smooth talk Ken and girls and Mrs. Mica." said Jaden, as he jogs to his house.

After watching Jaden leave, Mrs. Mica then looks at Katie, Smooth talk Ken, and Sydney.

"Did you guys had a little surfing practice?" said Mrs. Mica

"No." said Sydney

"Huh, then why was Jaden the only one wet, while you guys are dry." said Mrs. Mica

"Long story." said Smooth talk Ken

"What happened." said Mrs. Mica

Both Smooth talk Ken and Sydney stood quiet, and tried to look away from Mrs. Mica.

"It was Zack, wasn't it." said Mrs. Mica

"Zack and his posse, were trying to kick us out of the beach, so Jaden challenged him to leave us alone." said Smooth talk Ken

"What?" said Mrs. Mica

"I tried to stop him." said Sydney

"And now he is officially a Dolphin." said Smooth talk Ken

"And, probably on Zack's next target list." said Katie

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