The Surfer Soldier

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"Okay Jaden... If you come and follow me, you'll find an two doors in the back, one door will lead you to the supply closet, and the second door will take you to the back exit, in where it will also lead you to the back gate, and the surfboard custom maker and surfboard woodshop section, in the workshop." said Teddy Gok, as he walks behind the counter and into the back hallway, and towards the two doors.

Jaden follows Mr. Gok. While Mr. Gok is explaining to him.

"Now, I know that I said two doors instead of three, since the second door has actually two doors. But you get the idea." said Teddy Gok, as he opens the two back doors.

After Teddy Gok opens the two back doors, he and Jaden then go to the surfboard custom maker and surfboard woodshop section, when unlocking the main entrance to the workshop.

"It was a long trip to get here but we finally made it." said Teddy Gok

"Wouldn't there be someone behind the counter, in case if they need service." said Jaden

"Yeah, since I spent some time in the shop alone, especially when I'm here... I put in a little something to help know when a customer needs help." said Teddy Gok

"A bell?" said Jaden

"Nope, an airhorn. Now since you have seen the workshop, let's go back inside to the store, shall we." said Teddy Gok, as he and Jaden head back to the main entrance of the workshop, closing the door after exiting.

Teddy Gok then locks the main entrance.

"Now, the supply room." said Teddy Gok, as he and Jaden walked into the backdoors from the store.   

"This is a good workout." said Jaden

"Yeah, tell me about it." said Teddy Gok, as he closes the two back doors, and goes and opens up the supply room.

Jaden then stands next to Teddy Gok, so that he could open the door to the supply room.

"Here, in the supply room... We have the paint, stickers, etc... for the surfboards and the other sport equipment. Just in case if we ran out, in the front of the counter." said Teddy Gok, as he and Jaden entered the supply room, after turning on the lights.

"Cool." said Jaden

"Yeah... Anyways, now the back counter." said Teddy Gok, as he exits the supply room.

"Can I turn off the light?" said Jaden

"Sure." said Teddy Gok

Jaden then turns off the light in the supply room, and exits it. Teddy Gok then closes the supply room door behind Jaden.

"Now, then the front counter has tools, like for the add ons for the surfboards and skateboards." said Teddy Gok, as he points inside of the table counter.

Jaden then looks at the inside of the table counter, and at the pictures that Teddy Gok had up on the bulletin board. When seeing Jaden looking at the pictures from the bulletin board behind the table counter, he then looks at the pictures and then back at Jaden.

"Yup, those were the good times." said Teddy Gok

Teddy Gok then walks towards the bulletin board, and points to a picture.

"This was the time when we opened the shop for the first time. When I was young, my father opened this shop. This shop was more of a father and son shop, that is passed on to generations. In that picture my mother, my father, my brother and I were in that picture, along with other guest." said Teddy Gok

"You had longer hair that time." said Jaden, as he looked at the picture that Teddy Gok was pointing to.

"Well, I hate to break it you, but that isn't me." said Teddy Gok

"What?" said Jaden

"Yeah, those locks of hair aren't mine. My hair was up to my neck." said Teddy Gok

"Oh." said Jaden

"Yeah, those locks of hairs are all the way to the shoulders." said Teddy Gok

"Are they your brother's?" said Jaden

"Nope." said Teddy Gok

"Oh." said Jaden

"Yeah, those locks belonged to my best friend. He was sort of like a brother to me, we were in the same school and in the same surfing team too." said Teddy Gok

"Were you guys legends?" said Jaden

"Yeah. We were legends, until one day... I guess he decided to quit surfing and point into another direction. After he left, we never spoke... since. " said Teddy Gok

"Oh." said Jaden, as he looks at Teddy Gok.

Jaden then looks at another picture.

"What happened there?" said Jaden

Teddy Gok, then looks at the same picture that Jaden was looking at.

"That's when Aron won his first surfing tournament, for The Dolphin Surfing Team. He was so happy that time. Just by looking at him smiling like that, makes me want to smile like that too." said Teddy Gok

"Coach Gok, were you and your best friend in the Dolphin Team?" said Jaden

"Yeah. We never changed teams." said Teddy Gok

"So you guys were Dolphin legends?" said Jaden

"Yeah, we even have trophy plaques to prove it." said Teddy Gok, as he shows Jaden his trophy plaque.

"Woah, cool." said Jaden

"Yup." said Teddy Gok

"I've also won trophies and plaques too. But not a sports plaque. Even though my father wants me to be the captain of the Dolphins Surfing Team, even if I really don't want to." said Jaden

"What do you mean?" said Teddy Gok

"Yeah, my dad wants me to follow in his footsteps. He puts me in military schools, so that I can show off my trophies, medals, and uniforms to his fellow comrade's son and daughters. He wants me to always be number 1, if I don't get another number that's not a one, then he thinks of me as a disappointment." said Jaden

"Man that's tough. Who's your father Jaden?" said Teddy Gok, as he looks at Jaden.

"Sargent Josh." said Jaden

"Never heard of him." said Teddy Gok

"Oh." said Jaden

"Yeah... Say Jaden, no offense but you remind me of someone." said Teddy

"Really? Who?" said Jaden

"I don't know, but your face does look familiar." said Teddy Gok, as he looks at Jaden.

Jaden then looks at the surfboards in the display surfboards on the wall.

"We should be getting to work. These ten surfboards aren't going to make themselves." said Jaden

Teddy Gok then looks at the surfboards on the display wall, and at the picture with Aron Gok on it.

"Yeah, we should get to work." said Teddy Gok, as he walks towards the table counter, and gets the order paper.

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