Round 1

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"My board! My beloved surfboard!" said Smooth talk Ken, as he holds the halfs of his surfboard in both hands, and falls to the ground. Once he got out of the water.

"It's okay S.T.K, we'll try to fix it." said Izabel

Coach Mrs. Mica, Teddy Gok, Jaden, and Jessica got closer to Smooth talk Ken, they stood around him.

"Thanks for the escort Iz." said Smooth talk Ken

"Anytime, S.T.K."" said Izabel

"Izabel, you can go back to surf if you want to. We'll take it from here." said Teddy Gok

"Okay, see you later S.T.K." said Izabel, as she takes her surfboard and goes back into the water.

"Don't worry Smooth talk Ken, we'll get you a new surfboard." said Teddy Gok

"I don't want a new surfboard, I want this one. I... want to fix it." said Smooth talk Ken

"And why do you want to fix this surfboard? It's already junk?!" said Mrs. Mica

"Grandmother how can you say that?! This surfboard isn't junk, this surfboard was my first surfboard when I entered the Dolphin team." said Smooth talk Ken, as he points to his broken in half surfboard.

"So?" said Mrs. Mica

"So, this surfboard is my favorite surfboard, and this surfboard was also autographed by Aron Gok, my surfer idol! He signed my surfboard! See!" said Smooth talk Ken, as he showed them Aron Gok's autograph on his surfboard.

"Okay Ken. We buy you a new surfboard." said Ms. Mica

"But, you'll need to borrow one for right now. To get you back into the water." said Teddy Gok

Smooth talk Ken then gets up from the ground.

"Here Ken, you can borrow mine." said Jaden, as he tries to give his surfboard to Smooth talk Ken.

"What? Uh no way brah, I can't, I won't. No offense brah, but this is your surfboard. And since it is your surfboard you'll have to ride it." said Smooth talk Ken, as he doesn't want to get Jaden's surfboard.

"Come on, Smooth talk Ken. I'm serious." said Jaden       

"Nah ah ah brah, I'm sorry but I still can't. And that is the Smooth talk Ken surfing code, since you that's your surfboard you'll have to ride it." said Smooth talk Ken

"Here we go again." said Mrs. Mica, as she rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, brah. You are it's rider, you ride it." said Smooth talk Ken

"Alright." said Jaden, as he turned to the water.

"Good luck, brah. May your surfboard and you ride, onto the waves." said Smooth talk Ken

"Thanks, Smooth talk Ken." said Jaden

"Good luck, Jaden." said Jessica and Teddy Gok

"Thanks." said Jaden, as he leaves into the water.

"He's screwed." said Mrs. Mica

"Grandmother." said Smooth talk Ken

Meanwhile, Jaden met up with Sydney and Katie.

"Hey you're in." said Sydney

"So, are you ready?" said Katie

"I guess so." said Jaden

"Don't worry, I know that you are going to do great." said Katie

"I hope so." said Jaden

"So, are you ready to go and catch a wave?" said Sydney

"I guess." said Jaden

Just then, Zach and some of his teammates (with their surfboards), came up to Katie, Jaden, and Sydney.

"Hey look who we have here? It's the rookie Dolphin loser." said Zach, as he looks at Jaden.

Jaden then looks at him, without saying a word.

"Knock it off, Zach." said Sydney

"Leave him alone, Zach." said Katie

"You are not even going to last long in this competition, like last surfing against you and me. You are going to lose way too easy." said Zach

"Don't listen to him, Jaden." said Katie, as she looks at Jaden.

"Do us all a favor, take you and your surfboard back to the shore, and let the pros handle this. And no one will get hurt." said Zach

Jaden then puts down his head and looks at his surfboard, while Katie and Sydney look at him.

"Don't give up, Jaden." said Katie

Jaden, then back strokes his surfboard behind them and goes onto a different way. Leaving Katie and Sydney behind with the EELS.

"Can you just leave us alone." said Katie

"I will, when you lose and we win." said Zach

Sydney then looks at Jaden, who makes a left turn, and makes a right turn to catch a wave.

"And how do you know that you are going to win this year? I mean what if the other team wins?" said Sydney

"Because, that won't be a problem for us. My dad is planning to recruit all of the good surfers from each team, so that we will win like always, in the drafting event." said Zach

"Cheater." said Sydney

"Say what you want. I call it a win, win." said Zach

Katie then looks at the surfer who was going underneath a wave.

"What are you looking at?" said Zach

"At a fellow surfer." said Katie

"Zach! Look! It's that rookie Dorkphin, he's riding on top of that big wave!" said one of Zach's teammates, as he looks at Jaden.  

"What?!" said Zach, as he turns around and sees that Jaden is riding a big wave on top of it.

"He's doing it, he's really doing it!" said Katie

"Well I'll be, if Jaden does a trick, we'll move up one spot!" said Sydeny

"Yeah! Jaden! Woo!" said Katie

"I won't let that happen, come on guys let's go." said Zach, as he signs his teammates to move out.

Meanwhile back at the shore, Mrs. Mica, Teddy Gok, Jessica, and Smooth talk Ken are all looking at Jaden.

"He's doing it. My bro is doing it!" said Smooth talk Ken, as he chuckles.

"Awesome." said Jessica

"He better hold on to that wave too! Or else." said Mrs. Mica

"Grandmother, if he is good at skateboarding, then he is also good at surfing." said Smooth talk Ken

"Let's just hope so." said Mrs. Mica

"Yeah, isn't that right Coach Dolphin." said Smooth talk Ken, as he turns towards Teddy Gok.

"That skill, on riding a wave, I've seen that somewhere before, but where?" said Teddy Gok, as he looked at Jaden riding the same wave.

"Uh Coach Dolphin, are you okay?" said Smooth talk Ken

"Hm? Oh yes, I am." said Teddy Gok

"Well alright then." said Smooth talk Ken, as he also watched Jaden riding the same wave.

As Jaden was riding on top of the big wave, the wave then got smaller and smaller as he reached the shore. He was getting out of the water, after he had reached the shore and huddled along with his team (including Katie and Sydney, who had also scored a 7.5). They then hear Chad and Josie announcing that Jaden has scored an 8.0, boosting up the Dolphins from two points ahead of the EELS. As the practice surfing contest was over, the Dolphin surfing team then went to Mrs. Mica's to celebrate their win.

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