Lesson 2: Get To Know Each Other

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Meanwhile in Jaden's house during his fitness test. Jaden was doing pull ups, while his father was watching through video chat and his stepmother was timing him.

"Come on, Jaden! Just three more!" said Sergeant Josh

Jaden then does a pull up.

"Two more!" said Sergeant Josh

Jaden then does another pull up.

"One more!" said Sergeant Josh

"Arghh!" said Jaden, as he finished his last pull up.

"At ease soldier!" said Sergeant Josh

Jaden then let's go of the pull up bar and gets his seat towel and puts it on his face.

"Ah." said Jaden

"How many was that?" said Sergeant Josh

"30 pull ups, in one minute." said Jessica

"That's a new record!" said Sergeant Josh

"Great job, Jaden. You beat your record, again!" said Jessica

"Beat it, he nailed it." said Sergeant Josh

The doorbell then rings, and Jessica goes to open it.

"Great job soldier, now good day today. So time to hit the showers, and see you on our next fitness day meeting. Dismissed." said Sergeant Josh

"Yes, sir." said Jaden, as he goes upstairs to take a shower.

While Jaden goes upstairs to take a shower, Jessica and Mrs. Mica had entered the living room with Sergeant Josh still on video chat.

"Jessica, who was at the door?" said Sergeant Josh

"Me." said Mrs. Mica, as she looked at the television screen in which Sergeant Josh was on video chat.

"Who are you?" said Sergeant Josh, as he looked at Mrs. Mica.

Before Jessica could say anything, Mrs. Mica then spoke first.

"Mrs. Mica, one of your neighbors. And the new coach of the surfing team called the Dolphins. How about you?" said Mrs. Mica

"Sergeant Josh, the wife of Jessica and the father of Jaden." said Sergeant Josh

"I know, who you are." said Mrs. Mica

"Okay, since you know who I am. What can I do for you?" said Sergeant Josh

"Listen, I know that you want what's best for your son and all, but treating him like a soldier ain't going to do him any good." said Mrs. Mica

"Are you telling me on how to treat my son?" said Sergeant Josh

"If that's the way that it sounds, then yes." said Mrs. Mica

"Mrs. Mica, I can assure you that Jaden has all of the time to have freetime. However I let him joined the Dolphin surfing team, because I know that he can be a good leader like me someday." said Sergeant Josh

"And what good does that make?" said Mrs. Mica

Sergeant Josh then sighs.

"Mrs. Mica I know that Jaden will be a good leader some day." said Sergeant Josh

"I know people like you, you want your son to follow in your footsteps. Even if it takes them the time to do it, or the pain and the disciples to do it." said Mrs. Mica

"I think you mean, hard work and success." said Sergeant Josh

"Look, is this what you really want for your son? With all of that responsibility on him?" said Mrs. Mica

"I think I made myself clear to Mrs. Mica. I know that Jaden is the new kid in town, and all. I also know that he is going to do really well at being a true leader and a captain for his team." said Sergeant Josh

"Suit yourself." said Mrs. Mica

Jessica, who was standing next to Mrs. Mica, then looks at Sergeant Josh and back at Mrs. Mica.

"Here, i'll follow you to the door." said Jessica

"No, I'll stay here. Either way I'll have to talk with Jessica." said Mrs. Mica

"Okay, then I'll leave the two of you alone. I have to leave anyway, Jessica when Jaden is done taking a shower, inform him that I have decided to cancel next fitness meeting due for him to be with his surfing team." said Sergeant Josh

"Okay, I will." said Jessica

"Okay, see you soon." said Sergeant Josh, as he hung up on video chat.

Jessica then turns on the television. And looks at Mrs. Mica.

"Please Mrs. Mica, why don't you down, you'll be more comfortable." said Jessica

"No, thank you. What I'm here for is going to be very fast and very important. It won't even take a minute." said Mrs. Mica

"Okay, then if you won't sit down. Then, do you want some water or a snack?" said Jessica

"No, thank you." said Mrs. Mica, as she walks next to the front door.

"Okay, then. What is it that you wanted to tell me?" said Jessica, as she stands next to Mrs. Mica.

"I want you to be one of our coaches for our Dolphin surfing team. And I don't take no, for an answer. We will have our first surf meet the next day first thing in the morning sharp, no sunblock needed or included. However if you must, bring something warm. See you tomorrow, bye!" said Mrs. Mica, as she opens the door and closes it behind her.

"Wait, what? Oh, she's good." said Jessica, as she walks to open the door.

After opening the door, Jessica then sees that Mrs. Mica is speed walking to her house.

"Seriously?!" said Jessica

"Yes!" said Mrs. Mica

Jessica then closes the door.

Moments later, Jaden got out of the shower and got dressed in his regular comfort clothing.

"Guess what?" said Jessica

"Mrs. Mica came." said Jaden

"How did you know?" said Jessica

"I could hear her from up stairs." said Jaden

"Did you also hear your father?" said Jessica

"Yes. Him too." said Jaden

"Did you hear her argument, with your father?" said Jessica

"Sort of." said Jaden

"Did you also hear that Mrs. Mica wants me to be one of her coaches for the Dolphin surfing team?" said Jessica

"No! What?!" said Jaden

"Yup. I'm starting to think that she is making me bond with you, since she notices that you don't call me mom." said Jessica

"I think so too." said Jaden

"Use to be a commanding officer, met your father, got married with your father, became your stepmother, became part of this family, retired of becoming a commanding officer, became a yoga person, moved to Amug, met our new neighbors in a welcoming party, got use to the neighborhood, and now I am about to be a surfing coach." said Jessica

"Welcome to the team." said Jaden

"Heh, thanks. I guess." said Jessica

"So are you really going?" said Jaden

"Of course. I have to, I can't say no. It's mandatory." said Jessica

"That and you want to see how good we are?" said Jaden

"That, and I think that your father is pulling a little trick on us." said Jessica

"Yeah, I think so too." said Jaden

"He always likes to pull us those tricks." said Jessica

"Honestly." said Jaden

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