The Welcoming Party

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Later that day...

"Jaden, your father is on video chat and wants to see you!" said Jessica

"Okay, Thanks Jessica." said Jaden, as he put on his short sleeve button shirt and headed down to the living room.

"Ah ha! There's my scout. How are you." said Sergeant Josh

"Permission to speak sir." said Jaden

"Permission granted." said Sergeant Josh

"I miss you, Sergeant Josh." said Jaden

"I miss you too, Scout." said Sergeant Josh

"I've met with some of your friends, and a surfing team. Along with one of our new neighbors." said Jaden

"That's a good soldier. Now, about that surfing team." said Sergeant Josh

"Can I join?" said Jaden

"If you want to, you can. However if you do join, you'll have to be the leader and defend your troops. And also guide them to the right path." said Sergeant Josh.

"Got it, wait a leader? Sergeant Josh, their Coach is the leader." said Jaden

"Their coach is the trainer, and the leader has to be someone that knows them better than the trainer. Now, what's the surfing team's name?" said Sergeant Josh

"The Dolphins." said Jaden

"I heard about them and they suck." said Sergeant Josh

Jaden then puts his head down.

"However, you can change that." said Sergeant Josh

Jaden then raises his head up.

"There's just one minor problem." said Jaden

"What's that?" said Sergeant Josh

"I don't know how to surf." said Jaden

"Then you'll learn. You have to practice, until you get it." said Sergeant Josh

"Alright then I'll do it. Thank you Sergeant Josh." said Jaden

"Scout, you are free to go and get changed." said Sergeant Josh

"Okay, bye Sergeant Josh." said Jaden

"Bye Scout. Until next video chat." said Sergeant Josh, as he watches Jaden go up the stairs.

Jessica then enters the living room.

"So? Are you going to tell him that you were also a Dolphin too, when you were younger around his age?" said Jessica

"Nope. He'll have to find out eventually." said Sergeant Josh

After the video chat, and got ready for the welcoming party, Jaden and Jessica then leave to Mrs. Mica's house. In where they are greeted by Mrs. Mica, Katie, Smooth talk Ken, Katie's and Smooth talk Ken's parents, and their other neighbors. Jessica hung out with the adults, while Jaden with Smooth talked Ken, Sydney, and Katie.

"So did you get our grandmother's envelope?" said Smooth talk Ken

"Yeah, my stepmother was the one that opened it." said Jaden

"Did you read the warning sign?" said Katie

"I did, but it was too late. My stepmother had already opened it." said Jaden

Smooth talk Ken then started to laugh.

"Aw man, I love it when she does that." said Smooth talk Ken

Sydney then looks at three familiar faces.

"Oh no." said Sydney

Smooth talk Ken then continues to laugh.

"What?" said Katie, as she looked at the entrance to their grandmother's backyard.

"Aw man, the party is over. Look who just came to ruin it." said Smooth talk Ken, as he and Jaden look at the entrance to Mrs. Mica's backyard.

"Who are they?" said Jaden

"The EELS." said Smooth talk Ken, as he whispers.

Suddenly one of the eels recognized them and walked towards them.

"Oh no, here they come." said Sydney

"Hey, Zack, Big guy and the guy, who is standing next to you." said Smooth talk Ken

"What are you weasels doing here?" said Sydney

"Hey calm down toots. I know you miss me." said Zack, as he looked at his two guys behind him.

The three of them started to laugh.

"Me? Miss you? Never!" said Sydney

"Yeah, how could we miss you if you basically injured half of our team in last year's tournament and recruited some of our teammates as well!" said Katie

"Well actually it was all of your team and your coach." said Zack

"Our what?!" said Smooth talk Ken

"We are going to take your team and your coach. Away from you. Get the picture." said Zach

"Zack I think it's time for you guys to leave." said Katie

"Yes, please do." said Sydney

"Why should I leave? I'm the guest of honor." said Zack

"No, your actually the guest of being a pain in the buttocks." said Smooth talk Ken

"What did you just say to me dorkus?" said Zack as he grabs Smooth talk Ken by his shirt.

"N-onthing." said Smooth talk Ken

"Let him go, Zack!" said Katie

Jaden was going to approach Zack, but was stopped by Katie.

"I'm going to kick your shins, if you don't!" said Sydney

Suddenly a shadow figure approached them.

"Is there a problem here?" said a familiar voice

"No! Why do you care?!" said Zack, as he turns around and looks at Aron Gok's father Teddy Gok.

"Because I do care, you're holding one of my old team players from their shirt." said Teddy Gok, the old coach of the dolphins.

"Woah, Mr. Gok." said Smooth talk Ken

Zack then drops Smooth talk Ken to the ground when he lets go of him by his shirt.

"Let's go boys, this party is lame anyways." said Zack, as him and his possi leave.

"Good talk." said Smooth talk Ken, as he gets up from the ground.

"Why didn't you let me approach him?" said Jaden to Katie

"Because this isn't your fight." said Katie

"She's right." said Smooth talk Ken

"I could have stopped him." said Jaden

"Or you could have gotten on his hate list." said Sydney

"She's right brah." said Smooth talk Ken

"Yeah, but-" said Jaden, as his conversation is cut off by Teddy Gok.

"But like Sydney said, they will easily put you on their hate list." said Teddy Gok

Jaden then stood quietly.

"Mr. Gok you came." said Katie

"Wait, you were also invited to the welcoming party." said Sydney

"Yup, Ms. Mica invited me. And you know you can't argue with her." said Teddy Gok

"Yeah, that's true." said Smooth talk Ken, as he chuckled.

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