Early Morning Dolphin

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Early in the morning, Katie (without her surfboard), Smooth talk Ken (without his surfboard), Sydney (without her surfboard), Jaden (without his surfboard), Mrs. Mica, and Jessica were on the shore of the beach.

"Brr... Grandmother, why are we out here at 5am?" said Smooth talk Ken, as he hugs himself.

"Yeah, it's cold and really early to surf." said Sydney

"Stop whining." said Mrs. Mica

"You didn't tell us it was going to be cold. You also didn't let us bring a sweater." said Katie

"It's going to get hot later." said Mrs. Mica

"Then why are you wearing one, if it's going to get hot later?" said Smooth talk Ken

"Because I'm cold. Brrr... this weather!" said Mrs. Mica, as she looked at Katie, Sydney, Smooth talk Ken, and Jessica shaking, while she saw that Jaden wasn't shaking.

"Jaden? Aren't you cold?" said Mrs. Mica

"No, not really." said Jaden

"Dude, it's like 69 degrees out here. Or less, and you're not even shaking?!" said Smooth talk Ken

"Yeah, way is that?" said Sydney

"I'm already use to the cold temperature." said Jaden

"How?" said Katie

"My father used to take me out at 5 in the morning for a morning walk, jog, and run. We'll always be walking, jogging, or running, in the cold temperature or in the warm temperature, rain or shine." said Jaden

"Oh." said Katie

"Bummer, man." said Smooth talk Ken

"Is that why your mom also doesn't have a sweater on?" said Sydney, as she looked at Jessica.

"Yup." said Jessica

"Oh." said Sydney

"Yup." said Jessica

"Well, anyways. The reason I wanted to come here early is because I wanted you guys to get used to our new surf time lesson. As of today, we will be here at this time and at this hour to train." said Mrs. Mica

Katie, Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, Jaden, and Jessica are all looking at Mrs. Mica.

"Without our surfboards? That doesn't make any sense." said Smooth talk Ken

"Yeah, and why is Jaden's stepmom here too." said Sydney

"Well I'm about to tell you right now, now be patient." said Mrs. Mica

"Okay, G.M." said Smooth talk Ken

"Right, Jaden's stepmother is here because she is going to be our Dolphin team's third in command coach. And the reason that I told you four not to bring your surfboards, is because we are going to do a bit of conditioning before you can ride on your surfboards." said Mrs. Mica

"What?!" said Smooth talk Ken

"Don't worry, tomorrow you guys will use your surfboards." said Mrs. Mica

"Okay." said Smooth talk Ken

"Now then, I'm going to ask Mrs. Jessica here to take over." said Mrs. Mica, as she looks at Jessica.

"Do I have to?" said Jessica, as she looked back at Mrs. Mica.

"Yes." said Mrs. Mica

Jessica then looks at everyone who was looking at her.

"Right. Um, hey guys I'm Jessica, also known as Jaden's stepmom. Uh..." said Jessica

Mrs Mica then waves at Jessica.

"Yes, Mrs. Mica." said Jessica

"Where's your commanding voice?" said Mrs. Mica

"Oh, um... Why?" said Jessica

"Because we will be needing it, today." said Mrs. Mica

"Right now?" said Jessica

"Yes." said Mrs. Mica

Jessica then sighs.

"Remember to go hard on them." said Mrs. Mica

"Please, don't hate me after this." said Jessica, to Jaden, Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, and Katie.

"Well, we're waiting." said Mrs. Mica

Jessica then grunts.

"Alright! Listen Up! People! We are a surfing team! However that still doesn't make us worthy to act like one! If we aren't going to work together with one!" said Jessica, while using her commanding officer's voice.

"This is way worse, than Coach Ethan." said Sydney

"Shh..." said Mrs. Mica

"Now then! As our first group meet, as a team! We are going to do a little routine of our own! We are going to walk, jog, and run! And know each of our life stories and background, nicknames, etc! Now everyone heads to the stonestairs to begin our morning walk! Hup two! Hup two! Come on move it! Move it!" said Jessica, while using her commanding officer's voice.

All of them then headed to the stone stairs, in where they walked up the stairs and into the sidewalk. Mrs. Mica then whispered something into Jessica's ear, while they were walking next to each other.

"I think I'm being hard on them." said Jessica

"Oh, not at all. Just stick to my plan." said Mrs. Mica

"Are you sure, I don't want to be on their hate list." said Jessica

"Trust me, they know that it's part of my plan." said Mrs. Mica

While Mrs. Mica and Jessica were walking together, Katie, Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, and Jaden are walking together in a group.

"Where are we even going?" said Katie

"Not sure." said Jaden

"Where are we even going to stop?" said Smooth talk Ken

"No clue." said Sydney

"Honestly, how long is this going to take?" said Katie

"Not sure." said Smooth talk Ken

"Listen up! We're moving too slow! Let's pick up the pace, people! Let's go! It's jogging time!" said Jessica, as she uses her commanding officer's voice.

Katie, Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, and Jaden, started to jog while Jessica and Mrs. Mica started to speed walk behind them.

"This is going to be a long day." said Katie

"You said it." said Sydney

"Please, tell me this won't get worse." said Smooth talk Ken

"The running will." said Jaden

"What?!" said Katie, Sydney, and Smooth talk Ken

"Oh, Come! On!" said Sydney

"Come, on guys! We are going to the stake park and back! Hurry up!" said Jessica

"AWWWWWW!" said Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, and Katie

"Stop Whining!" said Mrs. Mica, to Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, and Katie.  

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