One More Chance

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Two days later...

In the afternoon, Mrs. Mica, Katie, Sydney, Smooth talk Ken, Jaden, and Jessica, were all walking to the practice surf contest, in where it was at the beach.

"Wow, I can't believe that we are going to do our first practice surfing contest!" said Smooth talk Ken, as he walked alongside Katie, Sydney, and Jaden.

"And I can't believe that our grandmother got Mr. Gok to be our surf coach again." said Katie

"Yeah, how does she do it?" said Sydney

"She probably did the same thing that she did to my stepmother." said Jaden

"Yeah, my grandmother probably tricked Mr. Gok, just like she tricked your stepmother." said Smooth talk Ken, as he chuckles.

"So Jaden, how does your stepmother feel about being our new second in command coach?" said Katie

"She is still getting used to it." said Jaden, as he looks back and sees that his stepmother is walking alongside of Mrs. Mica.  

As the group finally arrive at the practice surf contest, they then meet up with Mr. Gok, who had on a new Dolphin coach jersey with his name on it.

"Hey Mr. Gok, are you ready?" said Smooth talk Ken

"Ready for what? He's not going to surf?" said Sydney

"No, but I am going to watch you guys surf, and cheer you on. And then after, I can tell you what we need to work on." said Mr. Gok, as he holds up a clipboard with papers on it.

"Okay." said Sydney

"We are ready for your love and support Coach Gok." said Smooth talk Ken

"Yeah, it's good to have you back." said Katie

"Katie, Sydney, and Smooth talk Ken, it's good to be back." said Teddy Gok, as he looks at all three of them.

"Coach Gok, did you already sign in the four of them like I asked you too?" said Mrs. Mica, as she came walking towards the group.

"Yes, I did. Here are the papers." said Mr. Gok

"Excellent!" said Mrs. Mica, as she smiles at Mr. Gok.

"So, who are our starters?" said Jessica

"Katie, Smooth talk Ken, and Sydney." said Mr. Gok

"What?! And how about Jaden?! Why isn't he a starter?!" said Mrs. Mica, as she started to question Mr. Gok.

"Mrs. Mica, Jaden is barely just starting how to surf. I didn't put him as a starter, but as a sub. When one of our player's surfboard goes out, I'll put him right in." said Mr. Gok, as he looked at Jaden.

"I thought you said that the kid had potential?! Why did you lie?!" said Mrs. Mica

"Mrs. Mica, Jaden does have potential in him. I just didn't put him as a starter, because I don't want the EELS to push him off his surfboard." said Mr. Gok, as he turns to look at Jaden.

"You are right on that, but when will Jaden be able to surf?" said Mrs. Mica, at Jaden and back at Mr. Gok.

"When he is ready to do so." said Mr. Gok, as he looks at Mrs. Mica

"ATTENTION ALL SURFING TEAMS PLEASE HEAD TO THE SHORE!" said one of the surfing staff, with a microphone.

"Let's go team!" said Mr. Gok, as he signs for his team.

While walking to the shore, Mr. Gok, Jessia, Mrs. Mica, Katie, Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, and Jaden huddled around together.

"Okay team, listen up. Katie, Smooth talk Ken, and Sydney, you three will go and surf. Jaden, since you are still new at this, you will be a sub for one of them." said Mr. Gok, as he points to Katie, Smooth talk Ken, and Sydney, with his finger.

"Okay." said Jaden

"Okay now then, let's show those judges what the Dolphins can do!" said Mr. Gok

"Yeah!" said Katie, Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, and Jaden

"Dolphins on three! One! Two! Three!" said Mr. Gok, as he puts his right hand to the middle of their team huddle, while the rest of the others join in.

"Dolphins!" said Jessica, Mr. Mica, Katie, Smooth talk Ken, Sydney, and Jaden, including Mr. Gok, as they raised their right hand up, while yelling in excitement.

"Now man your stations! People, Come on!" said Jessica

"Sir, yes sir!" said Smooth talk Ken

Jessica then looks at Smooth talk Ken, as she crosses her hand in disappointment.

"Yes, Ma'am!" said Jaden, Katie, and Sydney

"I mean... Ma'am, yes ma'am!" said Smooth talk Ken

"We will work on that later." said Jessica

"Now remember the team, if you get a low score. Don't worry about it, we are barely getting started with the competition. However, we will give a hundred and ten percent in practice tomorrow, first thing in the morning. And until then, we will not rest until we put our team's name in that number 1 blank space, right there." said Mr. Gok, as he points to the number 1 blank space in the team rank board.

"ALL SURFERS PLEASE LINE UP BEHIND THE STARTING LINE!" said the same surfing staff with the microphone.

"Good luck, guys." said Jaden

"Good luck, Dolphins!" said Jessica

"You, better get good scores!" said Mrs. Mica

"We will." said Sydney

"Will try." said Smooth talk Ken

"Good luck, to you too Jaden." said Katie, as she looked at Jaden.

"Thank you, and you too Katie." said Jaden, as he looks back at Katie.

Katie, Smooth talk Ken, and Sydney, walked behind the line. They were in between the EELS, and the Starfish team. Izabel, who was on the Starfish team, looked at the Dolphin team.

"Good luck!" said Izabel, as she signals at the Dolphin team, which caught Smooth 's attention.

"Thanks Iz! And yeah you too!" said Smooth talk Ken, as he signaled back at her.

As the pistol was heard all of the teams ran into the water to begin to surf.

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