The News

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The next day, while in Jaden's house. Jaden and Jessica were in the backyard, underneath a patio sun shade.

"Ah! Ooh! Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! Yeee!" said Jessica, as she puts both of her feet into cold ice water.

"Are you still sore from yesterday's walk?" said Jaden, as he leans on the doorway.

Jessica then sighs.

"Ah! Yes, very sore." said Jessica

"I told you, if you wanted me to bring your comfortable shoes for you, but you didn't want me to do it." said Jaden, as he looks at Jessica.

"Well, I didn't know that we were going to walk over there, and walk back home." said Jessica, as she looked at Jaden.

"You literally took off your high heels, in order to walk home." said Jaden

"Okay now, that right there was a huge mistake." said Jessica

"No offense, but it sort of was." said Jaden

"And now, I have bruises and cuts." said Jessica, as she looks at both of her feet.

"Do you want me to get the first aid kit?" said Jaden

"No thank you. I think I'm going to be fine like this." said Jessica

"Is the water too cold for you?" said Jaden

"No, it's just fine." said Jessica

Just then the doorbell then rings.

"Can you get the door, please." said Jessica

"Sure." said Jaden, as he walks into the house, and gets the door.

"Hello Jaden!" said Mrs. Mica, as she smiles at Jaden.

"Mrs. Mica, please come in." said Jaden, smiling back at Mrs. Mica.

Mrs. Mica then enters the living room, and Jaden closes the door behind her.

"Is your stepmother home?" said Mrs. Mica

"Yeah, she is. She is in the backyard." said Jaden

"Well okay." said Mrs. Mica

"Do you want me to show you to the backyard?" said Jaden

"No, it's okay. I know where the backyard is." said Mrs. Mica, as she walks straight to the back door.

"Well okay." said Jaden, as he follows Mrs. Mica from behind.

"Jessica, we have a visitier!" sad Jaden

"Who is it?" said Jessica, as she turns to Jaden.

"Hello! Jessica!" said Mrs. Mica

"Ah!" said Jessica, as she is surprised to see Mrs. Mica.

"I knew that you were going to react that way. Anyways, I just came in to see you guys and also to show you this." said Mrs. Mica, as she reaches something in her purse.

"Here, Mrs. Mica why don't you sit down here." said Jaden, as he puts a chair close to Jessica, so that Mrs. Mica could sit on it.

"Why thank you Jaden. Hmph, I don't think that I have it here with me, unless forgot at home." said Mrs. Mica, as she sits down.

"Forgot what at home?" said Jaden

"Oh, something." said Mrs. Mica starts to take out various things out of her purse.

Things like a make-up kit, a screwdriver, a mini hammer, a mini tool kit, two empty phone cases, a lock picking kit, four anti-stress balls, a fitness cooling towel, to extra heavy hand grips, a speed chute (still unopened), playing cards, hockey pucks, an umpire face mask, a baseball and a mini baseball bat, boxing gloves and boxing hand wraps, a cricket mini bat, a tennis ball, a tennis hat, and a lipstick. After watching Mrs. Mica took out all of that stuff and her purse, Jaden and Jessica both looked at eachother. Jaden then walks over to Jessica.

"Mrs. Mica, I didn't know that you played cricket." said Jessica, as she looks at the mini cricket bat and at Mrs. Mica.

"That's because I don't." said Mrs. Mica, as is still looking inside of her purse.

"Oh. Then why do you have a cricket bat?" said Jessica

"Just in case." said Jessica

"Oh." said Jessica

Just then the doorbell rings again.

"I'll get it." Jaden, as he walks to get the door.

"Ah ha! Found it!" said Mrs. Mica, as she holds up something.

"What is it?" said Jessica, as she looks at the thing that Mrs. Mica is holding her right hand.

"Our surfing team's information and roster! All three of us are officially recorded as The Dolphin Surfing Team! Or T.D.S.T. for short. And look, they already have our pictures in it." said Mrs. Mica, as she hands the team brochure template to Jessica.

"Ooh, well that's good. I guess. Wait a minute, I blinked on this picture." said Jessica, as she looked at the brochure templates.

"Don't worry, they are also making a website for our surfing team." said Mrs. Mica

"What?!" said Jessica, as though she was really surprised.

"I knew that you would agree too!" said Mrs. Mica, excitingly.

"Well, I am a little surprised." said Jessica

"Anyways, our photoshoot is going to be after our next surfing round. Which will be tomorrow, but don't worry you won't have to walk over there. I will be taking you guys there, in my truck." said Mrs. Mica

"Thank you, Mrs. Mica. I would really appreciate that." said Jessica

Just then footprints were heard coming from the dining room.

"Grandmother!" said Katie, as she and Jaden walked outside to the backyard.

"Oops." said Mrs. Mica, as she ducks her head down, and blushes.

Katie was holding a newspaper article in her right hand. Mrs. Mica, realizing that Katie's face had   a more of an embarrassed look than hers, knows that Katie had already read the morning papers. Jaden, who also had a copy of the latest article (the same as Katie's), decides to take a look at the newspaper later, after their visitors leave.

"Well, Jessica. Thank you for your hospitality, but I think it's time for me to leave." said Mrs. Mica, as she puts all of her things that she took out from her purse, back into her purse.

Mrs. Mica, not wanting to look Katie in the eye, puts on her tennis hat and shades on. And then turns to look both at Jessica and Jaden.

"Jaden, don't even bother getting the door for us. We will use the backyard door, in order to get out. Well see you all later." said Mrs. Mica, as she turns to the side of the house, as Katie follows her.

"Grandmother, this is embarrassing." said Katie, as she whispers to Mrs. Mica.

"We are using the back door." said Mrs. Mica

"I don't mean this, I meant what you told in the newspaper." said Katie

Mrs. Mica and Katie, both waved at Jaden and at Jessica, and left closing the backyard door behind them. Jessica then turned to Jaden.

"What was that about?" said Jessica, as she looked at Jaden.

"I'm not sure, but I think that it had something to do with this morning's news paper." said Jaden

Jaden then unfolded the news paper article that he was holding.

"What?!" said Jaden, as he read inside of the newspaper article.

"What is it?!" said Jessica

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