First Surfboard

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Two days after the welcoming party...

Katie, Smooth talk Ken, and Sydeny were with their coach on the beach in which they were close to the waves.

"You guys suck! Why bother even joining the contest. If you are all not even going to put an effort of winning!" said Coach Dolphin, as he yelled at Katie, Smooth talk Ken, and at Sydney.

"What do you mean that we suck? We didn't even have practice yesterday because you cancelled it. And second of all, we didn't even go into the water yet. And now all of a sudden, you are telling us that we suck?" said Sydney

"That. And it's morning." said Smooth talk Ken

"Aw, did I ruin your beauty sleep?" said Coach Dolphin

"Sort of." said Smooth talk Ken

"Well too bad! Son!" said Coach Dolphin, as he yells right at Smooth talk Ken's face.

After Coach Dolphin yelled at Smooth talk Ken, Sydney then saw a piece of paper had fallen from Coach Dolphin's back pocket and onto the sand. Sydney then walks behind him and picks up the piece of paper and reads it.

Sydney then gasps.

"I knew it." said Sydney

"What did you just say?" said Coach Dolphin, as he looks at Sydney and gives her the stink eye.

"I said I knew it. You're hard on us because you are tired of being our coach! And that you have made a deal with the EELS into becoming their new second in command coach!" said Sydney, as she lifts up the piece of paper and shows it to both Katie and Smooth talk Ken.

Both Katie and Smooth talk Ken gasp.

"Coach Dolphin, is this true?" said Smooth talk Ken

"My actual name is Ethan, it's not Coach Dolphin." said Coach Dolphin

"Oh, sorry. Coach Dolphin. Wait, your name is Ethan?" said Smooth talk Ken

Coach Dolphin then grunts.

Kaite then sees that Jaden was walking down the stairs.

"Anyways. You guys really need a lot of work. I'm tired of watching you guys lose, you guys are no good at all." said Coach Dolphin

"You aren't a good coach either," said Sydney, as she let the piece of paper fall to the sand. 

"Then I suggest you either pick a new coach, a new team, and or just quit surfing." said Coach Dolphin, as he backs away from the three of them.

"We will never quit!" said Sydney

"Will see." said Coach Dolphin

Coach Dolphin then picks up the piece of paper from the ground and starts to walk away. Jaden was walking towards Katie, Smooth talk Ken, and Sydney who were standing in a circle.

"Hey." said Jaden

"Hey." said Smooth talk Ken

"What happened? Is practice over?" said Jaden

"No, practice is cancelled." said Katie

"Our coach quit on us." said Sydney

"Oh." said Jaden

"Yea, brah. He became an EEL." said Smooth talk Ken

"The EELS have took away half of our team." said Katie

"Half? All of them. Besides us." said Sydney

"We're the only ones left." said Smooth talk Ken, as he starts to whimper.

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