The Second Flashback

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Twenty seven years ago...

A young Teddy Gok and a thirteen year old boy with golden brownish hair, were sitting on the nearest table bench, next to an exit in a small park.

"I can't wait for our next surfing competition. A few more surfing competitions, and will be champions! Again! Aren't you excited!" said a young Teddy Gok

"Yeah." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair, sounding upset instead of excited.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" said a young Teddy Gok, as he looks at the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair, who had his head down.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"Doesn't sound like it." said a young Teddy Gok

The thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair, then sighs.

"It's just that, before coming here. My father and I had that talk again." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair, as he lifted up his head.

"Again with that? What did he say this time?" said a young Teddy Gok

"He said that I should start thinking about my future. And that becoming a pro surfer, doesn't count as a pro surfer." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"Bummer man." said a young Teddy Gok

"He said that because, a brochure from the military came in the mail, this morning." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"What did he say?" said a young Teddy Gok

"He took the brochure and put it right in front of me, and told me that he'll be proud of me if I joined the military. Like he did." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"What? That's messed up! He is forcing you to choose what he wants you to be. Not what you want to be!" said a young Teddy Gok  

"I know it is! He, he also said that even if I do become a pro surfer, and that if I get hurt during my career, I'm history! And that it's going to be hard for me to get back up again. He likes the idea of me being a surfer, but just for a hobby and not for my career." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"So, Nathan? What are you going to do now?" said a young Teddy Gok

the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair, then sighs.

"Teddy, what I'm going to do now, is just focus on winning the surfing championship! Because, nothing is going to stop me from winning our tenth title for the Dolphins!" said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"Yeah! Now, that's what I'm talking about!" said a young Teddy Gok, excitedly.

Both of them then high fived each other.

"Also, whatever you choose to be. I'm fine with it." said a young Teddy Gok

"Seriously?" said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"Seriously." said a young Teddy Gok

"Geez, thanks bro." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"Yeah well... Anyways, has your father ever nagged about your locks?" said a young Teddy Gok

"Don't get me started with that. That was the first thing that he pointed out." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair, as he started to chuckle.

"Dude, your golden brownish hair, are legendary!" said a yount Teddy Gok, as he started to laugh.

"I know the right man." said the thirteen year old boy with the golden brownish hair, as he touched his hair tips.

Both boys start to laugh.

"It's my signature look." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

A young Teddy Gok then laughs harder.

"Whew! Ha ha." said a young Teddy Gok

"Heh heh." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

Just then an older girl was walking to the entrance of the small park, in where the young Teddy Gok and the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair were. As the older girl walks past the two boys, he then grunts.

"You need a haircut." said the older girl

The two boys then stopped laughing and looked at the older girl.

"Are you talking to us?" said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"I'm talking to both of you." said the older girl

"Uh, who are you?" said a young Teddy Gok

"I'm Mica." said the older girl

"Cool, well I'm Teddy, and this is Nathan, my best friend." said a young Teddy Gok

"And we're surfers, from the Dolphin Surfing Team." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"I know who you are. You two are one of the Dolphin Surfing Team's best surfers." said the older girl

"So, you do know who we are." said a young Teddy Gok

"Yes, obviously." said the older girl

"So, if you know who we are, who are you to judge us for our looks?" said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"Funny you should ask. I'm Mica." said the older girl

"Yeah so?" said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"Thee Mica, the owner of the nearest beauty salon, one of the most successful tutoring teacher in your school, the president of the neighborhood community, and a successful business person." said the older girl

"Right." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"Respect your elders." said the older girl

"How old are you even?" said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"None of your business." said the older girl

"Shesh, that's kind of harsh. Don't you think?" said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"I only said that you needed a haircut. Because, while you are surfing, along with that long hair of yours, you might bump into something or another surfer." said the older girl

"So, you do care." said the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair

"Right." said the older girl, as she walks away from a young Teddy Gok and the thirteenth year old boy with the golden brownish hair.

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