The Daily News For Round 3

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A few days later...

Jaden was with Smooth talk Ken, Jessica, and Teddy Gok, in Teddy Gok's shop. Jaden is sitting down on one of the chairs, as he reads the morning news paper that he is holding.

"So? What does the newspaper say?" said Smooth talk Ken

"It says... After yesterday's surfing competition the Dolphin Surfing Team have moved up a few spots in the leader's chart for gaining more scores. The Starfish Surfing Team are in 2nd place right now, as the Sharks are in 3rd place, and the Squids in 4th place. The Lobsters are in 5th place, as the Tiger Sharks are in 6th place, while the Jellyfish are in 7th, and the Killer Whales are in 8th. The EELS are in 9th place right now, due to their team captain / star surfer being suspended for two competition days." said Jaden, as he reads.

"Dang, the EELS Surfing Team is having a major downfall. So, any other interesting news?" said Smooth talk Ken

"The Starfish Surfing team, have donated surfboards to the new youth surfing team. Along with the Dolphin Surfing Team having to also donate new uniforms, to the new youth surfing team as well. Making sure that the young ones from the new youth surfing team, have everything on their list." said Jaden, as he reads. 

"Sweet." said Smooth talk Ken

"Yeah. It did felt really good to donate." said Jaden

"Yeah tell me about it. Say, did they also put in the photo with us, along with the new youth surfing team, and the Starfish Surfing Team?" said Smooth talk Ken, as he looks at Jaden.

"Yeah, here take a look." said Jaden, as he gave Smooth a talk to Ken the newspaper.

"Awesome! Hold on, I think, I blinked... Oh no, I didn't blink. Whew, I thought I did." said Smooth talk Ken

"There's more photos of us on the back, of that page." said Jaden

Smooth talk Ken, then turns to the next page.

"Okay, now I really blinked on one of these pictures. Hold on, two of these pictures." said Smooth talk Ken, as he looks at another picture.

Smooth talk Ken then sighs.

"Three... Three pictures. I blinked on three pictures." said Smooth talk Ken

Jaden then stood up from his seat.

"But Katie and Sydney though, they didn't blinked on any of the pictures." said Smooth talk Ken

"Say, where are Katie and Sydney anyway?" said Jaden

"They're helping my grandmother bringing in the new photoshoot uniforms here." said Smooth talk Ken

"Huh, do you think that they'll need any help?" said Jaden

"Umm... I don't think so?" said Smooth talk Ken, as he folds up the newspaper.

Jessica, who was looking for a new sun cap later walks up to Jaden and Smooth talks to Ken.

"What do you boys think I should buy? The one with no top, of the cap. Or the one with a top on the cap?" said Jessica, as she lifts up the two caps.

"I will go... With the one with the top of the cap." said Jaden

"Yeah, same here." said Smooth talk Ken

"I also think so too." said Jessica

"No offense, Coach Jessica but without the top of the cap, you'll look like those tennis players, even though your a surfing coach." said Smooth talk Ken

"Thanks." said Jessica

"Anytime." said Smooth talk Ken

Just then Mrs. Mica, Kaite, and Sydney, had entered Teddy Gok's store, holding each a box. While Jaden walks over to Katie to help her with the box that she was holding.

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