Meeting Coach Dolphin

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"Smooth Ken you're late. Now get in the water with the rest of your teammates, or what's left of it. Wait a minute who's this dude?" said Coach Dolphin, a husky man with black hair and a black beard, wearing a navy blue legend surfer muscle shirt and a pair of grey shorts with some sandals.  

"This my fellow coach is Jaden, and my new friend. We just met a few minutes ago when he was going to bump into us with his skateboard. However he didn't hit any of us because he went straight into the stairs and took one right in the face. With the hot sand, it was pretty cool. But I also told him that he needs to work on that landing if he wants to become a pro." said Smooth talk Ken

"Huh. right. What's your name son?" said Coach Dolphin

"Jaden, sir." said Jaden

"Well Jaden, would you be interested to surf?" said Coach Dolphin

"Surf?" said Jaden

"Yeah, like would you be interested to tryout for the team," said Coach Dolphin

"I... would but, I don't know how to surf. Really I've never surfed before." said Jaden

"Well tough luck kid, if you ever want to join the team. You are welcome to come join, Of what's left of it." said Coach Dolphin

"Oh. Well... thank you, I guess." said Jaden

"Wow CD, that's the nicest thing you ever said." said Smooth talk Ken

"Smooth Ken, do not call me CD. Now get in the water, like everybody else." said Coach Dolphin, as he was pointing to the shore.

"Fine." said Smooth Talk Ken

Coach Dolphin and Jaden then watched Smooth talk Ken entering the water.

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