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Thalia noticed her friends were very on edge, the whole of the week, however, that day, Remus hadn't even shown up to lessons, James and Sirius looked like they were about to pull out all of their hair, Eloise's own had assumed a heather sort of g...

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Thalia noticed her friends were very on edge, the whole of the week, however, that day, Remus hadn't even shown up to lessons, James and Sirius looked like they were about to pull out all of their hair, Eloise's own had assumed a heather sort of grey-purple and Peter hadn't stopped stuffing his face all day. After asking them all week what was the matter with them, and being brushed off, she was quite pissed. She knew why they were all stressed, but she was sad they wouldn't tell her themselves. Thalia understood why they would be stressed - it was the night of a full moon, and she had realised, almost on the first day, that Remus was a werewolf, (Newt Scamander was her Grandfather, how could she not?), however, stressing wasn't going to help Remus' overall mood, and it wasn't like they were going to be much help anyway.

She was sat with Marlene McKinnon (one of her dormmates that she got on particularly well with, both of them being rather blunt) on a sofa by the fire, flicking through a charms textbook.

"If the patronus charm is a charm, why is it taught in DADA?" she came out with suddenly, one hand tapping on her chin thoughtfully.

"The mysteries of magic." Marlene hummed with a small snort.

"Don't laugh at me, Marly!" she whined, narrowing her eyes at her.

"Sorry, sorry!" She pulled a face, and Thalia let out a shriek of laughter, which quickly died when she saw Remus making his way out of the common room.

"You alright Remus?" She called. He turned to face her, his face was gaunt and shadowed, and she saw him falter, looking for an answer. "Going to the library again? Man, you look overworked, have a rest tomorrow night, yeah?" She came to his rescue, feeling bad for drawing attention to him in the first place. He nodded, gratefully, and hurried out of the portrait hole.


The wolf emerged, closing its eyes revelling in the cool late-September air that flowed through its fur. It's ears perked at the patter of paws, wondering if the other animals that usually accompanied it had arrived yet, however, when it opened its eyes, it was met with a small chocolate brown fox, very young and playful looking, with pale green eyes that almost shone in the moonlight. It had a familiar aura, similar to the other animals, so the wolf decided it could trust this new animal. The fox seemed to sense this, and scampered around barking happily. After a while, the two took off into the forest, bounding and leaping over fallen trees and boulders. They came to a clearing, where the pair settled down, tongues lolling out, and shoulders rising and falling rapidly. The fox's ears pricked when a twig snapped, and something gave a snort of annoyance. A majestic stag revealed himself, the air around his nose misting as hot breath left his body. It was followed by a black, shaggy dog a white rabbit and a chubby rat. The fox sensed these animals weren't there to cause harm, and allowed them into the clearing, startling slightly when the wolf barked joyously, and bounded up to them, playing and licking them. As the moon began to sink, the five animals lolloped back to the whomping willow to deliver the wolf home, the fox following slightly behind them.

The sun rose, and the wolf quickly shrunk back into the form of Remus Lupin, looking much less scratched and bruised than normal. Expecting the other four animals to run off, and not wanting to startle them, the fox remained in animal form. To her surprise, the rat, rabbit and dog suddenly shot up, as the stag shrunk down to reveal James, Sirius, Eloise and Peter. Assuming the fox was an animal from the forest as well, the friends moved forward to pet her, jumping back when it grew into the form of Thalia Scamander.


"Why didn't you tell us you were an animagus?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were animagus'?"

"Why didn't you tell us you knew Remus was a werewolf?"

"Why didn't you tell me he was a werewolf?"

And on it went between the six of them for a long while. A groan rang out across the hospital wing, and all the heads of those bickering turned to look at the sandy haired boy in the bed. 

"Why don't you all just shut the fuck up?" Remus grumbled and rubbed his eyes.

"Quiet, Remus!" And the boy yet out a yell before growling softly;

"Padfoot, don't you dare."

Sirius paled, as he realised what he had said, and noting Remus' mood, that probably wasn't the best time to say it. Eloise layed a comforting hand on each of the boys' arms, and they both broke eye contact to look at her.

"The point is," Eloise started, her soft voice instantly calming everyone around ehr. "Thalia kept from us what we kept from her so we're all even there. Thalia also risked her safety to help Remus, like we do, so we're very grateful for that. We will now no longer keep secrets from her," She turned to face the boys while saying this, then turned to face the girl. "and you will no longer keep secrets from us. Deal?"

"Deal!" They all chorused, smiling, before Thalia and James helped Remus out of bed.

"Thanks, Thals, I mean it, you didn't have to do that, and I appreciate it." Remus mumbled in her ear.

"Don't mention it, Rem, I'm happy to have helped." She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed hers back, before the seven of them blearily stumbled to breakfast. James was watching the green eyed girl over his bowl of cereal with interest. 'If she's willing to risk her safety for Remus, that shows she is a true friend of ours.' the boy thought to himself. 'If she does what a Marauder does, why not make her one?'

do you lot like this book? it's a bit slow rn but I promise it gets interestingg

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