An awkward moment

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Today Smokescreen was driving you home from school because you had accidentally missed the bus because you were trying to look for your favorite pencil that had gotten lost in your locker. So while he was driving you home you told him all about your day at school. After you were done telling him about your day he told you about the device that Ratchet had been building. Soon enough though he parked by the curb in front of your house.

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/n." Smokescreen said as you grabbed your backpack.

"I'll see you tomorrow, thanks for the ride. I love you." You said as you got out of Smokescreen's alt mode.

"Wait, you do?!" Smokescreen asked you in shock.

"I-I uh....have to go!" You said as you ran inside your house.

You couldn't believe that you had told Smokescreen that you loved him. Sure, that was something that you would say to your family members when you were getting done calling them, but you didn't mean to say that to your guardian. As you walked to your bedroom you hoped that Smokescreen wouldn't think that you were a weirdo.

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