Techno organic

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Ashton and Jason are now eight years old. And they don't use a key to transform

Today Smokescreen was outside with Ashton and Jason teaching them how to transform into their Cybertroinian form. So far Ashton had figured out how to transform, but Jason seemed to be having a little trouble.

"This is so hard!" Jason yelled after two hours of trying to transform.

"Keep trying, I know you can do it." Smokescreen said encouragingly.

"No I can't!" Jason yelled.

"Just focus, it'll help." Ashton said as he ran past Smokescreen and Jason.

"Fine, I'll try again." Jason said as he closed his eyes.

At first, nothing happened. But after a few minutes Jason finally transformed. When he opened his optics he looked down at himself.

"I did it! I finally transformed!" Jason yelled happily.

"Good job you two." Smokescreen said as he looked at Ashton and Jason.

Smokescreen then started teaching Ashton and Jason how to use their weapons without doing any damage to the forest.


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