You give birth

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When Smokescreen entered the delivery room that you were in he saw a chair next to the bed that you were on and he sat down.

"I-it's about t-time th-that you g-got here." You said as he held your hand.

"Are you saying that I'm getting slow?" Smokescreen asked you.

"Maybe j-just a little." You said as you tried to smile.

As the hours passed you screamed in pain with each contraction that you had. When it was time for you to start pushing you squeezed Smokescreen's holoform's hand so tight that you thought it would break. After a while longer you heard a soft cry that was followed by a loud cry shortly after the first. Before you knew it your sons were placed in your arms.

"Do you have names for them?" The doctor asked you.

"Yes. The first one is Ashton, Orion, Screen and the second one is Jason, Samuel, Screen." You said as the doctor wrote the names on a couple of birth certificates before she and the nurses left the room.

"Wow, they're smaller than I thought." Smokescreen said as he looked at Ashton and Jason.

"Would you like to hold one?" You asked him.

"Y-yeah, I would." Smokescreen said nervously as he carefully picked Jason up.

Both Jason and Ashton had your skin tone, hair color and facial features, but they had Smokescreen's eye color.

"Hi there, I'm your sire." Smokescreen said as Jason looked up at him.

You smiled as Smokescreen talked to Jason while you fed Ashton. After a while he decided to hold Ashton so that you could feed Jason.

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