He gets jealous

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Today while you were at the Autobot base Optimus was telling you about his time as Orion Pax. As he was telling you about how he was an archivist you noticed Smokescreen standing in a corner while pouting. A few moments later you saw him go to his berthroom with an angry look on his face. When Ratchet asked Optimus to help him with something you decided to go see what was wrong with Smokescreen.

"Smokescreen, I know you're in there." You said once you got to his berthroom and knocked on the door.

"Go away." Smokescreen said.

"No, I'm not going anywhere until you open this door!" You shouted.

After a few minutes Smokescreen finally decided to open his berthroom door and let you in. Once you were in you placed your hands on your hips and looked up at him.

"Wouldn't you rather spend time with Optimus?" Smokescreen asked you.

"Smokescreen, you're my boyfriend, Optimus is just a friend." You said as you walked closer to Smokescreen.

"It sure seemed like you were enjoying your time with him." Smokescreen huffed.

"Wait....are you jealous?" You asked him curiously.

"What? Who me?" He asked you.

"Yes, you." You said as you smirked.

"I-I...okay, yes, I guess I got a little jealous." Smokescreen said as he looked at you before he picked you up and put you on his shoulder.

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