Your daughter's first period

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When Charlotte woke up one morning she felt a terrible ache in her lower abdomen. As soon as she got out of bed she saw a spot of blood on her sheets and she screamed.

"What's wrong?!" Smokescreen asked as he opened her bedroom door.

"I'M BLEEDING TO DEATH!!" She screamed.

"No, you're not." You said as you walked past Smokescreen.

"Wait, is this the period you told me about?" Charlotte asked you.

"Yes, and it's perfectly normal." You reassured her.

"I'll uh...get the sheet." Smokescreen said as he started to remember the day that he found out what a period was.

Once you helped Charlotte get a pad on and gave her some aspirin she settled down. Meanwhile Smokescreen was busy trying to get her sheet clean.

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