First kick

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As you were getting ready for bed one night you felt something nudge you from inside. You smiled as you felt a few more nudges. When Smokescreen's holoform walked into your shared bedroom he saw you smiling as you looked at your bump.

"What's going on?" Smokescreen asked you curiously.

"Our baby kicked." You said happily.

"Oh, okay, that's nic- wait? WHAT?!" He asked you as he started panicking.

"Relax Smokey, it's normal." You said calmly.

"C-can I feel?" He asked you nervously.

"Of course you can." You told him.

He then walked over to you and placed his hands on your bump. At first nothing happened, but after a couple of minutes he felt a tiny nudge against his hand.

"Our sparkli- baby kicked!" He said happily as he kissed you.

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