Cravings, again

910 22 3

One morning you woke up because you felt extremely hungry, so you decided to go to the kitchen and get something to eat. When you got to the kitchen you wandered around for a little while before you got some celery, peanut butter and raisins and you made ants on a log. Once you were finished you sat down at the kitchen table and started eating.

"Y/n? Do you realize what time it is?" Smokescreen asked as his holoform walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, but I was hungry." You said as you ate.

"What exactly are you eating?" He asked you curiously when he saw what you were eating.

"It's called ants on a log, and it's pretty tasty." You told him.

"Okay, come back to bed when you're done." He said as he went back to your bedroom.

"I will." You said as you picked up another piece of ants on a log.

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