Confession/first kiss

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Smokescreen was currently using his holoform so that he could take a walk with you in a nearby park. Since it was evening there weren't too many people around. After a while of walking and talking you both decided to sit down on a bench.

"Y/n.....c-can I t-tell you something?" Smokescreen asked you nervously.

"Of course you can." You said as you smiled.

....I-I y-you....i-in...a-a m-more t-than f-friends k-kind o-of w-way...." Smokescreen said as he blushed and stuttered.

"Oh." You said as a light blush appeared on your face.

"I-I understand i-if you don-!" He started to say before you cupped his cheeks with your hands and passionately kissed him.

Smokescreen couldn't believe that you were actually kissing him. He had never been kissed by anyone, ever. But here he was, being kissed by the most beautiful human that he had ever seen or met. The kiss felt like it lasted forever, but in reality it only lasted for about one minute before you pulled away for air.

"Wow." Was all Smokescreen was able to say before you started kissing him again.

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