Spark bonding

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As you and Smokescreen walked through the forest you could tell that he had something on his processor. At first you were nervous about asking him what he was thinking about, but after a few minutes you decided to ask him.

"Smokescreen, what are you thinking about?" You asked him curiously.

"Well.....I- Y/n, w-will you sp-spark bond with me?" Smokescreen asked nervously.

"Yes Smokey, I would love to." You said as you pulled him in for a kiss.

As you and Smokescreen kissed each other he managed to lay you on the ground. He opened his chassis and you saw that he had a blue spark. When you opened your chassis his optics widened when he saw your beautiful S/c spark. You knew that once you bonded with him you two would be bonded forever. He kissed you as he pressed his chassis against yours.

You groaned in pain as your spark merged with his. After a few moments the pain melted away and turned into pleasure. You then saw Smokescreen's memories and you felt his emotions. You saw him in the Elite Guard and you saw how he ended up guarding Alpha Trion. You also saw how he came to Earth and joined Team Prime.

Meanwhile Smokescreen felt your emotions and saw your memories. Once the bond was complete your sparks returned to your spark chambers and you both could close your chassis. He then removed his-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for adults only.

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