13 - Bree

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"Lily, are you ready to go baby" The smell of Ash lingered in the unit as Lily and I got ready to leave on Monday morning, Ash's flight was at 4am so he had left in the middle of the night.
We did have an amazing weekend together though, Taking Lily to the aquarium, we went to the park and for long, lazy picnics - I have honestly never seen Lily so happy in her life.

We had given her a 2 week time frame for us to move and Ash was heading to the school today with enrolment papers, the hospital didn't need anyone for another 4 weeks so I would have 2 weeks to ensure Lil was settled in ok before starting work.
We were flying back this weekend so Ash could take Lil shopping for bedroom furniture and I was spending most of my evenings after work this week packing our things so it wasn't a mad panic to get it done at the end.

Ash face-timed us every evening, plus an extra one for me after Lil was asleep, but on Thursday he had a staff meeting at the high school and he wouldn't be home till late, so he called Lil at 4pm to talk to her, and promised me he would call me when he was done.

Hunter was still refusing to come home, although I text him to let him know we would be gone in a fortnight so he would have his house back to himself, the only reply I got was a thumbs up.

It was Thursday afternoon and I was sitting on the lounge room floor with Lily going over her homework for the day when the door bell rang,
Answering it I saw the last person I expected to ever see at my front door,


"Hey Amara, how are you?"

"Um, I'm ok - what are you doing here?"

"I thought we could talk, if thats ok, can I come in?"

"Ah sure" I stood aside and allowed her to enter the house, "Come through" I led her to the lounge room,

"Hey Lil, do you think you could head up to your room for a minute"

"Sure, can I play some Ipad"

"Yes, but no you tube"

"Whatever" she attituded me before heading upstairs, I turned my focus to Bree

"Wow, she really is just like him isn't she"

"Yes, she sure is"

"I can't believe I was so blind to it before"

"What are you doing here Bree" I signalled for her to sit on the lounge and joined her, sitting down I turned my body to face her, she looked tired and old actually, there was no make up on her face and her hair was body less and stuck to the side of her face, her eyes were dull and she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks, she sighed before she started to speak,

"Why didn't you tell me?, In high school, why didn't you tell me about you and Ash"

"We didn't tell anyone Bree"

"I was meant to be one of your best friends"

"Things were a bit strange at the time, you were going through some stuff with Jayden, you even stopped talking to us for awhile there when you were with him"

"Stop making excuses Amara, you should have told me"

"Well we didn't, its too late now Bree, Jesus you are talking about something that happened 10 years ago, don't you think we need to move on"

"I did move on Amara, I moved on with Asher, I helped him move on from you, I loved him and you just swoop into town and steal him right back"

"Come on Bree really, Was he ever even yours for me to steal from"

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