32 - Fast Forward

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At 19 years old I was in a relationship with the man of my dreams, A man I loved unconditionally and who loved me the same, who worshipped me body and soul and who became my best friend, The year I turned 22 I was a wife, I had a husband - a life I could have never imagined for myself, a life I would never want to give up not for anything in the world, and at 24 I was about to become a mother.
All thanks to one man, Hunter Stilton.

Being pregnant, growing our child inside me was unlike nothing I had ever felt. Such a strange, at time uncomfortable but amazing experience, the fact that I got to do this with Hunter made it even more spectacular. He was patient, doting and caring through out the late night cravings, the mood swings and the many, many freak outs I had during my pregnancy.

He didn't want to know what we were having, he wanted the surprise on the day - he did say he had no preference on whether it was a boy or girl, his hope being our baby was healthy and happy. He had come such a long way from the man who only a few years ago didn't ever want a family.

Sebastian Matthew Stilton was born on May 15th at 11:30am, 58cm long and 9 pound 7 ounces, born a miniature version of his father but with my golden complexion.

"He's amazing Lily, thank you"

It was one of the most incredible sights I had even seen, Sebastian only a few hours old cradled in the arms of his father, Hunter was mesmerised by the little baby he held.

"Knock Knock" looking towards the door to see Ryder and Jaclyn waiting,

"Hey Guys, Come in" Ryder approached me first, placing a kiss on my forehead,

"Congratulations Lil, how are you feeling" Jaclyn approached me, giving me a quick hug before she made a beeline to Hunter and Sebastian,

"I'm feeling ok Ry, a bit sore and tired but I'm ok"

"Oh Ry come look at him, he is amazing" Jaclyn spoke quietly, running her fingers softly over Sebastian's forehead, Ryder smiled at her as he crossed the room,

"Oh god, you couldn't of made his look a little bit like you Lily" Ryder smirked patting Hunter on the back, "Congrats man, he is perfect"

Hunters eyes turned to mine, smiling, holding Sebastian tightly - he had no intention of giving him up today,

"Just Like His Mum"

I had to stay in hospital for 4 days after Sebastian was born, he was a big baby and I experienced some tearing so I needed stitches, the Drs wanted to keep me to make sure things were healing properly and that I was comfortable with feeding my baby before allowing me to leave.
As much as the nurses tried to drop subtle hints to Hunter when visiting hours were over he wouldn't leave, hell I think even if they down right told him to go he wouldn't of left us. Sebastian had him wrapped around his finger the moment they placed him in Hunters arms.

Hunter had organised 4 weeks off work when Sebastian was born, Preston was stepping in to run things for him while he was off and I was glad to have Hunter home with me.
Not that I needed to worry - Sebastian was a good baby, he was content and easy to settle, as long as he had a full belly, was dry and warm he was really no trouble, he hated bath time, screaming the house down when his bare legs touched the water, but it was the only time he made a fuss. Though Hunter quickly found a way to change it.

"What are you boys doing" I walked into the bathroom, Hunter stood in the shower, Sebastian held firmly in his arms,

"Just thought we'd try this, and so far so good"

"So you're going to shower with him every day?"

"If I need to"

"Your going to spoil him Hunter"

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