25 - Punish

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The morning light shone through the crack in the blinds waking me from sleep, my body surrounded in the warmth that Hunter gave me.
He had held me the entire night, allowing my tears to fall and soak into his skin, whispering sweet words to me as he stroked my back calming me from the evenings events.

"Are you ok baby?" Hunters sleepy voice behind me made me smile

"Yeah, I am actually"

"Are you sure?"


"Lily" I rolled over facing him, his hand coming straight to my face grazing against my cheek,

"I never wanted to destroy your family, I never wanted"

"Stop Hunter, do you want me?"

"You know I do, I want you mind body and soul baby, but look at what you are losing"

"No, Hunter, just no - it's me and you ok, I know I'm only young but I am certain you are it for me and I am sorry if that scares you - but I just want you - only you Hunter. God your probably trying to figure out the best way to run right now aren't you"

Hunter never answered me, not with words, his reply was in his kiss, the way he moved his
lips against mine, the way he looked into my eyes as he rolled me onto my back and his body hovered over mine, and the perfect way we connected together as he slipped himself inside me, joining our bodies as one.

2 Weeks Later:

We returned home the day after the reunion, I had tried the morning we left to reach out to my Mother but her phone went to voice mail. They haven't spoken to me since, The landlord told me the rent in the apartment I was sharing with Sasha had been covered up until the end of the month, Sasha was pretty great about the whole thing actually - there was no possible way we could afford the place on our own, it was right in the city and the area was really great but these things came at a cost and one that we couldn't pay.

Part of Sasha's scholarship included a shared room so she was already in talks with the school to find out how hard it would be to take it up even though the school year had already started. I on the other hand had began looking for places that were a bit more affordable for me.

"Hey baby" Hunter stood leaning against his black range rover as I finished work, Walking straight to him I kissed his lips as he pulled me to him,

"Hey you"

"Good day?" He asked, opening the door for me

"Yeah, you?"

"Its better now" He closed my door, walking around the car to the drivers side, using one hand to manoeuvre the steering wheel he kept his other one on my thigh.

"Staying at mine?"

"Of course" I smiled over to him, though his eyes never left the road, I loved that he still asked me if I wanted to stay with him - we had not spent a night apart since we had been home but he still asked me.

"Any preference for dinner, want me to pick something up or"

"Pizza? we can get it delivered"

"Sounds good baby" The remainder of the drive home was in comfortable silence, his thumb tracing patterns on my leg as he drove, I rested my head against the head rest and watched him there was something about watching Hunter drive I found unbelievably sexy, hell I found everything about Hunter sexy, of course he knew my gaze was locked on him, his mouth turning up into a smirk the entire time.

"Ugh I am so full" I groaned, I tossed the last of my crust in the empty box and threw myself back into the lounge, thankful I had changed into my grey cotton shorts with an elastic waist and a tank top when we got home "That was good pizza"

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