16 - Message

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I had been a complete and utter dickhead the past week, I could I suppose use the excuse that she broke my heart, but it really doesn't excuse what I have been doing.

I fucking wiped her, I moved out of my own home so I didn't have to look at her face, so I couldn't see the happiness within her eyes at being back together with him, how completely at ease she finally was that Lily had her father, I ignored all her attempts for contact - stooping so low I even resorted to responding with emoji's, and the absolute worst, I had been fucking around, but she was the last person I had been intimate with and for some reason in my mind I needed to get rid of the feel of her, forget that she was the last woman I had been inside of, and it may have worked somewhat, except now I felt like a dick for ignoring one of my best friends.

It was pretty easy you know, hooking up with random chicks at the bar across from my office. I know how I look and without trying to sound like an arrogant dick, I know most woman find me pretty easy on the eyes, not that I had ever really used it to my advantage, until now.
The first night, the first woman, I needed a fair bit of liquid courage, with scotch as my poison I drank through the first few until I felt able to approach my target, but it had been 11 days now and the necessity for liquid courage was less and less.

Until I saw the message, I hadn't heard from her since her message telling me she was leaving, and like the shit I was I replied with simply a thumbs up - like I didn't care, of course I fucking cared - Amara and Lily had lived with me for 10 years, in some way I would always love Amara, even if we weren't together she was still one of the people I was closest too, she was my best friends little sister, and over the past few years she had became my best friend too - and what kind of best friends ditches the other - well that would be me and it's a pleasure to meet you folks, My name is Hunter Stilton.

The message was hard to read, all text messages were I guess, but this one almost seemed like she was hurting,

Message Received Little One:

Hey Hunter, I know we aren't on great terms at the moment, But I could really use a friend if you have time to talk - please.

I must have read it 30 times before figuring out what I was going to say, at first I thought about playing the tough guy but this woman made me weak, she always made me weak,

Message Sent:

Are you Ok Amara? I can come home if you want me to?

Message Received Little One:

Is that ok? Its Asher - we are over!

Message Sent:

I am on my way.

I didn't want it to come across the wrong way, I didn't want it to seem like I was running back to her to try and make a play because that is absolutely NOT what I was trying to do. 11 days ago when Amara and Lily got off that plane, there was a look in Amara's eyes I hadn't seen in a long time - she was so content like everything in her world had just connected and was exactly the way it should be, so to see in that message that it was over, something had gone seriously wrong and I needed to find out what it was, believe me, shit was about to hit the fan!

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