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"Is the view that mesmerizing or you are just in a really deep thought?"

The voice brought her back to reality as she snapped out of her trance and looked to the side, blinking her eyes.

"Pardon?" She asked.

There stood a jet black haired male with a beautiful smile staring back at her. He was wearing a dark blue suit with some badges on his shoulder, she assumed he was one of the dukes.

"Day dreaming?" He said again with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"I prefer calling it imagining."

He hummed and broke the eye contact as he looked to the sea in front of them. He was standing by the fence while she sat at the gazebo. The palace's garden looked the best when it is night time where the lights are on making it magical.

"What could you be imagining while looking at the sea?"

"I imagined how far did the sea goes. Where does it end and what beholds on the other side."

"Have you not sailed before?"

"I suppose you have?"

"Why haven't you?"

"I did not say that I haven't."

The charming male chuckled and took a seat besides her.

"Why are you alone here while the event is inside, starting as we speak?" He asked.

"Perhaps questioning is one of your hobbies, I believed." She turned her gaze from the sea to the man beside her.

Looking at him up close with his eyes bore into hers, she felt her heart did a little leap.

"Lady Hana?"

She heard they called out for her just as she was about to enjoy the scenery. Realising she could be in trouble for being seen alone with a man, she immediately gather her heavy gown and stood up to leave.

The male was quick to his act as he pulled back her arm gently. Her eyes widened a bit before politely detached his hand.

"I have to go."

"Will I be seeing you again, Lady Hana?"


"Lady Hana!" The voice sounded a bit nearer.

"I really have to go." She said and quicken her pace back to the palace.

The male looked at her retreating figure and sat back on the bench with a heavy sigh.

"Is it safe to assume that you have chosen the lady you want to hand in marriage?"

"Yes, Hangyul. You assumed right."

"Without even looking at the other potential brides, Your Highness?" Prince Hangyul said with a slight tease in his voice.

"Prince Seungyoun has made his decision." He said in his authority voice making his friend laugh.

"Whatever you say buddy."

"Lets find out more about Lady Hana, shall we?"


"Where have you been milady? Its about time for the party." A woman in her middle age said sternly.

"I was at the garden for a bit of a fresh air. Its not everyday to enjoy the beautiful palace's garden, Mrs Ru."

"Well,its rude for guests to roam around the palace without attending the real event. Come along now."

Hana nodded solemnly while the others touch up her hair and fixed her dress as she walked to the big double doors of the ballroom.

Stepping inside the ballroom, she noticed the prince and princess, noble families and all that jazz chatting around, getting to know each other.

And their family background for a potential spouse.

Sticking close to the wall, Lady Hana cant be bothered to look around and focused on the luxurious looking food that had caught her attention ever since she came.

"Evening everyone!"

She heard the king said clinking his glass with a small spoon.

"As you all know that my son, Prince Seungyoun has return from his adventure and ready to take my throne. As a King of this kingdom, I'd say that a Queen is an important person in my life and a great help to the kingdom." The King looked at his queen dearly, holding her hand.

"So in order for my son to rule successfully, I throw this party to find the queen of his heart. Maybe one of you lovely ladies could snatch his heart."

Giggles could be heard in the crowd coming from the single ladies.

Hearing the news, Lady Hana couldn't help but to snort.

"So cliché."

"Careful milady, you wouldn't want anyone to hear that. Though I can't agree more. "

She heard someone said to her.

"Only you, I hope. We can pretend that didn't happen." Lady Hana said giving a smile to the newcomer.

"Princess Aisya." She said offering her hand.

"Hana, your Highness." Lady Hana gladly accept her hand and bowed respectfully.

"I know. I have read your book."

"Oh? Thats lovely. Not many has said that to me or even read a book. May I know how was it for you?"

"Its mind opening. Im glad I met you in this pointless party." Princess Aisya said grinning.

"Perhaps its not pointless at all now."

The two ladies chatted, not realising the sudden change of atmosphere when the awaited prince revealed himself in the ballroom.

"The prince has arrived!"

"I have made my decision." He said shocking everyone near him including his parents.

"But the party had just started and you havent even met the girls." The Queen said a little worried. The prince just smile assuringly.

"And who would that lucky lady be, son?" The King asked knowing well his son and his decision.

The father trusted him.

"Lady Hana of the Histaris Kingdom." The prince said loud and clear, making his way to the said lady.

Hana snapped her head to the prince direction as she heard her name called.

"Its the crown prince." Princess Aisya muttered lowly for her to hear.

"Wang seja." The two ladies bowed politely as Prince Seungyoun walked through the crowd with them politely giving him the way until he stopped right in front of Hana.

"Lady Hana."

"Y-yes, your highness?" Hana found herself stuttering due to the curious eyes of the attendees.

"Will you marry me and become the Queen of Woodz Kingdom?"

Just like Our Dream//Cho Seungyoun ●Where stories live. Discover now