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"Hello. You know me?" Hana nodded politely. She just gestured Erin to seat beside her.

"Of course. We're getting married so I have to know who he hangs out with."

Hana raised her brows at her tone.

"Erin." Seungyoun said flatly.

"What? I can't?"

Hana watched them glared at each other and she can't help but to feel bad being there in first place.

"What are you doing here?" He sighed holding his temple. Erin blew her nails.

"Eat? Do I look like I'm reading a book?"

Hana actually snorted at that. To her luck, her phone rang and she immediately excuse herself.


"Hana, come here!"

"Sure, where?" Hana cheered inwardly but still kept a poker face.

Seungyoun and Erin on the other hand is arguing without saying anything. She could tell by their face, its a heated argument.

"Cafe! I just met-"

"Chani?" Hana said flatly. Aisya squealed lowly not wanting to be loud.

Erin looked away from Seungyoun and went to order her own sandwich.

"How did you know?!"

"Haha I'll be right there, Sya." She ended the call and ready to yeet the hell out of there.

Ready to bounce.

"And now its date time." Hana said teasingly at him to which he looked at her weirdly.


Erin sat back on her seat and raised her brows when Seungyoun looked confused.

"The third person got to go so now its a date for you two." Hana said nonchalantly.

Both of them cringed at that.

"You guys are engaged, right?" She asked looking at their reaction.

"Where are you going though?" Seungyoun asked slouching ignoring the question.

"Aisya wanted me to meet her." She stood up. Seungyoun pout involuntarily making Erin looked at him weirdly.

"Aw, I was hoping I could get to know you but guess not." Erin said shrugging. Hana looked at him pointedly which he just made an apologetic face.

"Right. Anyways, nice meeting you, Erin. We're just friends, don't worry." Hana winked at her and went to her car that conveniently parked right beside them.

Driving away from the mall, Hana sighed exasperatedly.

First he told her that he's engaged right after she finally realized her feelings.

Now, she met the fiancée face to face without her expecting it.

"She's pretty though. Seungyoun, way to go, dude." Hana chuckled to herself bitterly.

Just like Our Dream//Cho Seungyoun ●Where stories live. Discover now