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"Secretary Cin, could you ask the finance department to send this month report?"

"Yes sir."

He waited for a few second and his secretary spoke again.

"They said they're finalising the report, sir."

"Hand it over or I will fire the whole department." He said coldly and loosen his tie.

"Seungyoun-ah, you're scaring the other employees." Mr Cho came inside the office room and set down a paper bag full with food. Seungyoun just shook his head and thanked him.

After a few months, Seungyoun had cleaned almost all of the company's error. Unnecessary money flow, company rats, short of income, you name it.

And thats all what his father wanted.

"Looks like I'm done for today. I'll be heading back." Seungyoun stood up and get his coat.

"Yes go. Don't let me stop you, son." Said Mr Cho. Seungyoun smiled at his dad and made sure to take the paper bag too.

"Wear the coat. Its freezing outside."

"I'll be fine dad."

Seungyoun went into the elevator and smiled to himself. As the elevator slide opened, blue sparkles ✨ slowly fades to the back ground, his smile grew as he saw the girl that was so immersed in scribbling words on her notebook while laying flat on her bed with her airpods on.

She called it the book of bulbs.

Putting the paper bag aside Seungyoun went to her.

"I brought food." He said but Hana didn't react.

"Hello!" He said taking off one of her airpods and put it in his ear, joining her on the bed.

"You just had to scream to my ears, don't you? Asmr king." She said turning to lay on her belly. Seungyoun grinned and relaxed himself as he listen to her playlist.



"Hana nana ."

"Ok, Seungyoun go home." Hana chuckled.

"Nah, I like being here with you." Seungyoun said softly, tucking strands of her hair behind her ear.  She felt her chest tightened.

If it was another boy, Hana would probably cringe at that and make a joke out of it but somehow shes weak when hes the one who said it. Hana let out a cough before flicking his forehead playfully.



"I think I'm dying." Hana deadpanned.

"Oh cool, then I can teleport to heaven to see you." Seungyoun made a face like he just discovered a great idea. Hana laughed at that and plop face down to the bed.

Day by day, she starting to become aware of her feelings towards him.

Only that she doesn't want to acknowledge it.

She said something but her voice was muffled due to the mattress so he cant really hear what she said.

"Are you communicating with the monster under your bed?"

"Yeah. I told him to eat you."

"Oh its a he?"

"How dare you assume my bed's gender."

"I'm sorry Hana's bed." Seungyoun apologised while patting the bed. Hana chuckled.

"I think we belong to the aliens."


"When are you going to tell him?"

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't, woman?"

"There's something telling me that I can't ."

"Hana you crazy bitch."

"Well I'm that crazy bitch and what about it. Focus on your own boy, Sya." Hana threw a crumpled paper to her friend.

They were in the student lounge, finishing their paperwork for their final year.

"He clearly felt the same way, Na." Aisya sighed exasperatedly.

"Thats what the guys thought  when they confessed to me but the reality is no, I'm just friendly." Hana said pointedly.


"Whatever you trying to reason with her, there's no point."

Aisya turned to him as a his voice joined the conversation.

"See even your boy, understood."  Hana stuck her tongue out.  The latter just rolled her eyes.

"You're working today, Gyul?" Aisya asked as she kissed his cheek.

"Yeah. Csy has to stay late at his company today so I'm taking over the cafe." Hangyul said plopping beside Aisya who was on the sofa.

"When you first used 'Csy' I thought you were referring to 'Psy'. A typo error but you even said it outloud." Hana chuckled and hit the enter button loudly.

"There. I have sent the soft copy of my final project paper. I am free. I am a free bird. The flying falling leaves? That is me."

"Hana its winter. There are no leaves." Aisya mused.

"Yes there are. In my house. My tree is falling leaves. Dying."

Hangyul snorted at that. Aisya looked at her friend briefly and just changed the topic.

"Who would of thought that hot barista is  the sole heir of a big company. Are you hiding something from me too? You're a mafia son?"

"If  I were the son of the mafia would you still want to date me?" He nudged Aisya playfully.

"Duh, of course. Who would want to miss that opportunity?" Aisya said making Hana snort.

"I think you read too much mafia related romance novels."



"Hi, is Seungyoun here?"

"Huh?" Hangyul asked again as if he heard wrong. The woman took off her frames that almost hid her face proportions.

"Cho Seungyoun. The cafe owner? I need to see him."

"He's not here today. You can leave a message if you want." Hangyul  offered.

"Ah, then can you please tell him that we have to push through with the plan. Just tell him that, he will understand." The woman said as she smiled politely at him. Hangyul nod as he got distracted.

The woman turned back to the door when Hangyul stopped her. She looked back to him questioningly.

"Um miss, your name?"

"Oh, its Erin." With the last polite bow, Erin turned her heels and walked out.

"What are ya staring at you monkey?"

"She's like a different person when she smile."

"Good to know, boyfriend." Aisya snorted.

"But ehh, she's not his type." Hangyul throw his arm around her shoulders.

"Seungyoun?" Aisya asked.

"But what does she meant the plan has to push- OH!" Hangyul said loudly making her looked at him weirdly.


"This is bad."


"This is really bad." Hangyul went inside the staff room leaving his girl friend questions his behavior.

"He's an alien too, I guess. Damn, am I the only human here?"

Just like Our Dream//Cho Seungyoun ●Where stories live. Discover now