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The sky has already turned dark by the time Hana finally finished all her assignments. She had been so immersed by completing it in one day, she actually lost track of time and didn't even notice that everyone had gone home until the librarian told her.

"Gosh, its so cold." She muttered and she pulled her coat close to her. Luckily she had been wearing a hoodie inside since the library is usually super cold.

The sound of her boots filled the air as she walked along the hallway of her campus. She parked a bit further from the campus today since she arrived late. The parking lot has already packed with cars.

She slowed her pace when she saw the toilet where she first saw her other self. Cursing inwardly, Hana began to walk faster trying hard pushing the eerie thought to the back of her mind.

But things aren't that simple for her.

Feeling more and more anxious, she began to quiver.

"Think of something nice!" Hana thought to herself.


Then she heard a door opened and thats when she lost it.

She ran as fast as she possibly can. It does not help when she heard someone was indeed behind her running after her.

"Oh shit!"

"Hana is that you? Stop running! Its me." The familiar voice said and Hana could have swore she know the voice too well.

She lost her footing as she tripped on something and landed on her butt.


"Wow you run fast. Are you okay?"

"I feel like you always ask me that whenever we meet."

"Why are you running?"

"Haha I suddenly reminded of that meme." Hana snort as she relaxed a bit.

The pain on the butt doesn't hurt that much since she still has adrenaline from the mini thriller drama she's experienced just now. She got lost in her thoughts when she felt the annoyed gaze from him.

"Right. I was running because of you! What are you doing here, Cho Seungyoun?"

"Thats the thing."


"Come, lets talk at my cafe." Seungyoun said as he pulled Hana to her feet.

"Mkay. Can I have the usual?"


Hana smiled at him happily and looked to her feet to check herself after the fall. Thats when she noticed something odd.

"Seungyoun ah."


"Why are you bare feet?"

"Because I was taking a nap and-" He sighed before continuing. "This is going to be weird."


"So you're saying that you just- just appeared?"


"You opened the door and saw me running?"




"Is it weird that I trust you?"

"No, you have to cuz it did happen." Seungyoun chuckled. Hana scrunched her nose and drink her latte.

Just like Our Dream//Cho Seungyoun ●Where stories live. Discover now