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"Cho Seungyoun this is your fault!"

"My bad."

Don't jinx it she said but that's exactly what happened. 

Only it was a different day.

Seungyoun drove the car carefully as rain starts to pour heavily. Hana had her hands over her ears.

"The thunder is kinda pretty, don't ya think?"

"Well..yeah. Still unnecessary to strike the lamp post though." She made a face to which he just chuckled.

He parked the car nearby the lobby since office hours have ended and its already night time.

"Worried that I couldn't teleport to you anymore?"

"Hmm, maybe that is better. I wouldn't have to send your ass back every time or have you come barging in my bathroom."

"You make me sound like I'm a pervert." Seungyoun said narrowing his eyes at her. She grinned and opened the umbrella before going to his side.

"Why are we here again?" He asked. 

"Apparently I left my notebook when I was having a meeting here."

"Notebook? Bulb? Hana really?" Seungyoun pressed making her hummed agreeing with him.

"I know right. I didn't even notice it was gone until he called me to pick it up. It is important anyways. Weird huh."

"Who is this 'he'?"

"Manager in the publisher company." Hana answered simply. Seungyoun pursued his lips.

He took a hold of the umbrella after pulling her closer to him so that the rain doesn't touch her.

"So what makes you teleport to me anyways?" She asked. 

"Didn't you said you figured that out? Whenever you thought of me, I appeared."

"Don't flatter yourself honey, I did not think of you when I'm washing up." Hana sassed as he laughed whole heartedly.

"Its you."


"By Ali Gatie."

Hana tried to keep a straight face but wheezed anyways. He cleared his throat briedly.

"Before I opened the door, I had you in my mind." Seungyoun plastered his boyish smile.

"Could it be that we are somehow mystical creatures?" 

"Hm, I would be-"

"A mystic monkey."

He chuckled as she made a run to the elevator first.


"She should move in her office instead." Chani chuckled looking at his watch. He had been waiting for her at her mansion but she still hadn't came back. The sky had already gone dark.

As if it was on cue, she appeared right after he said it.


Erin jumped a bit when his voice boomed. She close the door with a sigh.

"At least turn on the lights when you break into my house."

"Hi." Chani said plastering his best smile. She just gave him a side eye.

"Are you here to ask me stupid questions again? I'm tired."


"Kay. Did you eat the chicken nugget in my microwave? I was saving it." Erin said going into the kitchen. Opening the microwave, she gasped audibly. "Oh my god, you did!"

Just like Our Dream//Cho Seungyoun ●Where stories live. Discover now