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"If I want to run away, would come with me?"

"After I graduate, sure."

"So you wouldn't, if I asked next week?"

"No way, my unfinished study will haunt me for life." Hana shuddered and turned to him as she closed her laptop.

He was facing her with his elbow and hand supporting the side of his head on the bed, looking like theres a lot in his mind.

"Where do you want to run away to?"

"Hmm, anywhere I guess."

"If I were to run, I would go to Japan." Hana said thinking. Seungyoun hummed again.

"You okay there CSY?" Hana beamed at him.

"Yes H-A-N-A." He said spelling her name as he laid back to the bed.

"I think I need to wash my bed sheets and blankets since you kept laying on them after long work hours." Hana joked and sat next to him.  Seungyoun stayed quiet as he stares at her artificial stars on the ceiling.

"Did you did that yourself? Its kinda high."

"Scoot. Lemme show you the stars of fantasy."

Seungyoun make space for her and she laid beside him after she took all the things she want to show him. He looked at her and she moved his head to stare up to the ceiling.

"Close your eyes." She said. He obliged and felt relax when she put an earpod in his ear.

Hana turned off the lights in her room and turned on her galaxy projector. 

"Now, slowly open your eyes."

The room lit up when her glowing in the dark artificial stars on her ceiling glowed. The projector played an important role in making the room become more realistic. With the calm music played, it enhanced his experience.


"I'm good." Hana chuckled. Seungyoun laughed at that.

"I know things can be tough lately but you shouldn't run away, hun. You face it. Whether it will be the way you wanted or not, you got through it."

"What if I don't want to face it?" Seungyoun felt his eyes soften. Hana smiled as she put her hand on his cheek gently.

"Then, you will have to pass by it without looking at it." Hana startled giggling. Seungyoun held her hand on her face, cracking a smile.

"I could moonwalk through it right?"

"Exactly but can you?"

"You want me to show you?" Seungyoun asked getting ready to stand up from the bed. Hana's eyes lit up.

"Cho Seungyoun is going to dance!" She exclaimed but he laid back down and still held her hand on his chest.

"I should run away to your room and stay here permenantly."

"You are doing that, if you haven't noticed." Hana snorted. Seungyoun grinned.

In moments like this, Seungyoun were able to let his mind of things that had been stressing him out.

Moments like this makes them appreciate the small things that would make them smile even for the slightest stupid joke.

Moments like this is also what slowly hurting her.


"Aye CSY boss. Looking sleek in that apron. "

"You gotta stop using CSY, Gyul. Hana is starting to call me that." Seungyoun said chuckling.

"Why not? Its catchy." Hangyul grinned at him as he steamed the milk. Seungyoun chuckled and continue cutting the watermelon for the fresh juices.

"Oh hyung, have you not read my message last week?"

"What message?"

"Its about Erin."

"What." Seungyoun paused and looked at his friend seriously. Hangyul shook his head and gestured him to check his phone.

"I don't know what is this  plan of yours but it does not sound good."

"Shit." Seungyoun cursed as he read the message.

"The plan to have it all."


Hana yawned as she stretched herself. She had been writing her novel which nearly to an ending chapter. Looking at the time, she felt the sofa bed in her indoor garden calling to her.

"I guess I could take a nap." She drag herself not before taking a blanket with her to the sofa bed besides the glass window.

Looking outside, the sky had darken as it was in the evening. Pieces of snow could be seen as it falls beautifully.

Enjoying the calm view, Hana soon drifted to sleep without knowing that the moment she woke up,

Sorrow would be the first thing she felt.



"What? You know that we will have to sooner or later. That's what we agreed on, Seungyoun."

"Why now, Erin? I thought- You said the company will surely be inherited by you." He sighed.

"Dad remarried."


"And that woman convinced him that her son would be a better fit." Erin crossed her arm annoyedly.

"Fuck." He cursed and leaned back to the chair.

"I'm sorry, Seungyoun but we have to step up." She said apologetically. Seungyoun nodded.

"I know, I know. Its just that.."

"You found someone you like?"

Seungyoun look up to face her when she said that.

"What do you know?"



"Look I hate to be that bitch but theres nothing you can do to change our plan. I'm not going to lose my company just because you catch feelings on a girl." Erin took her purse.

"Sacrifices has to be made, Cho Seungyoun. You started the game, you end it." She said and left him in the private bar. Her heels could be heard fading away.

"Am I willing to make that sacrifice?" He asked himself as he twirl the empty glass on the counter.

"Do I even have a choice?"

Just like Our Dream//Cho Seungyoun ●Where stories live. Discover now