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"Careful. It's still hot."


Erin watched the idol sat down besides her. They had chose to sit at a rather dimmed, isolated spot so that they wouldn't get recognized.

"We haven't been here for so long, I forgot how peaceful it is." She said with a small smile on her face. She ate her sausage in peace.

"You haven't. I come here often with- yeah."



Erin chuckled and looked away from him. Chani acted aloof.

"I'll be surprise if you didn't date around as an idol so I get it."

"I didn't date around.." Chani trailed off.

"Oh. Serious ones? Why did you break it off with her then?"

"We couldn't find time for each other that time. Schedules. "

Erin just hummed.

"Then we are going to end soon too I guess."


"Schedules. Work."

Chani remained silent making her look back to him. Though she did started it first, she cant help but to feel sad that he didn't even try to deny it.

"You're actually agreeing with me." She muttered lowly but brush it off before he could react.  Ironically, she saw the dark shadow at the corner of her eyes and a flash comes after.

"Shit." He cursed.

"That's our cue to leave."


"Things that bad?" 

"I'm so close to pulling off all the phone cables and burn my employees phone. What do you think?" 

Hana chuckled lightly and nodded understandingly. The pictures that were taken last night were hot topic in the news even though they had been seen together before but due to the fact that Chani was spotted frowning, they speculated the couple's breakup.

"Have he called you about it?"

"No. I need to go to the restroom. Order first, I'm fine with anything." Erin said giving Hana her card and walked off to the restroom at the back.

Hana shook her head amused and walk to the queue. She reached inside her jean pocket to check her phone but had a slight panic attack when she realized that its not there.

"Oh shit-" She muttered lowly and felt herself taking a step back. Distracted by her phone, she accidentally bumped her head at the back of a person.

A rather tall one.

"Ah, sorry. I wasn't paying attention- Eh Seungwoo oppa?"

"Hana. Its been awhile." The warm looking gentleman said smiling at her. She accidentally let out a chuckle.

He still has that calm mature vibe aura around him that just makes you feel safe.


"No no, I forgot how tall you are, my neck kinda hurts. How are you? Its been like 5 years since I last saw you."

"I've been good. You grew taller, Hana. Back in the days, you barely reach my shoulder." Seungwoo said good naturally, patting her head as a habit.

The compliment made her beamed at him, feeling proud of getting taller. From the outsider perspective, they looked like a cute pair when both have the same soft exterior.  This doesn't sit well with a particular person that had just arrived awhile ago. Her gesture made his heart raced.

Just like Our Dream//Cho Seungyoun ●Where stories live. Discover now