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We're all setting up the house for a Halloween party tonight and everyone is running around throwing decorations around the place and at each other, me and Jon are in the kitchen preparing the food, Ky and Liam are throwing fake spiders at each other. Sophie, Lacie, James and Ash are out sending invites and Shaun, for once, is actually helping set the decorations up properly.
I glare at Ky as a fake spider lands on my head, he bursts out laughing and I throw it straight back at him, I grin when I hear the satisfying smack of the spider hitting him the face. Jon laughs quietly as he puts some more buns on the table, I wink at him and carry over a dish of goodies to the table next to the door so if any trick or treater's come we can give them candy. 
~Time Skip~
After everything was set up inside and outside the house looked like something off a teenage horror/comedy movie. I smile as me, Sophie and Lacie walk into my room to get changed into our outfits, I was Alice, Sophie was a schoolgirl and Lacie was a temptress. We we're all laughing as we helped each other get ready, once we were happy with how much fake blood and over the top makeup we had on we left to go check out the boys.
they were dressed pretty well, Ky came up to us in a skeleton costume "Is this too revealing?" he grins and we all burst out laughing, "I think it shows your inner you" Sophie grins making us laugh even more. Jon was a burnt waiter/newly turned zombie and Liam was just wearing his normal clothes but covered in fake blood. "Well at least none of us came dressed as vampires" Shaun laughs as he puts his arm around me, I look up at him and see he's wearing a Mad Hatter costume. I smirk at him, "You copycat" I laugh, "No i'm not a cat, i'm the mad hatter" he smirks. I roll my eye's at him and turn on the music, after a few minutes people start arriving and the house is soon full.
I was laughing with some girl i'd met who was dressed up as the Cheshire Cat when someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turn to look at them and jumped in surprise as I came face to face with a mask with half it's face ripped off. "Jeez! You scared me then" I laugh, the person just nods and whispers in my ear, "We need to talk" I  frown in confusion a little and then he walks off in the direction of one of the quiet hallways. The girl I was with winks at me and then walks off to talk to some more people, I roll my eyes and follow the person in the mask. When we reach the quiet hallway he pulls me further down it, "Hey!" I growl at him a little annoyed, he sighs and pulls off his mask. I gasp as stare at him in disbelief, "Why're you here!" I whisper shout at him, he pulls me closer to him and whispers "Adam is coming for you tonight" I look up at him and into his eyes, he looks serious. "Alright, alright" I sigh and lean against the opposite wall, "So why are you telling me this when really you should be with him?" I say and glare slightly at him. "Dess..." he sighs, "I know" I my glare softens and I look at him once more. "Chase if he finds you here he'll kill you" I smile at him and he laughs, "He can try" he grins at me. "I guess Adam knows what we are then" I laugh, "He's known for quite a while but now he's one and well that's not something to look forward to" "Great an eternity with that douche bag" I roll my eyes and Chase comes to stand next to me, "I'll protect you in anyway I can but I know Shaun will protect you enough" he winks and I slap his arm, "So not funny" I smile at him. He leans down and I can feel his breath on my cheek as he whispers, "Seems like we have an audience and you know how much I like to please the crowd" I see his shit eating grin as he brings his face up to mine, "You never change do you?" I smirk. "Afraid not" he laughs and kisses me, I refuse to kiss him back at first but he just laughs and pulls away. "Hey, at least let  me kiss you before you go and bond with Shaun" he winks and kisses me again, he bites my lip and when I still don't let him in he does the one thing he always does. He laughs bites my neck harshly, holds my hands above my head with one hand and the other snakes around my waist as he pulls me to him. "Destany, you know we have a bond you cannot break no matter how you try to ignore me"  he growls and kisses me again, his eye's flashing red before they go back to his beautiful blue and I melt, I cave in and kiss him back.
Me and Chase go way back, I knew him before Shaun, before Sophie and before Adam. He used to live near me when I was with my parents, we used to play in the woods all the time, and when my parents died he was there for me when my grandparents weren't. When I was sent to Adam's he followed, he couldn't find me at first but when he did he became friends with Adam to get to me, he'd sneak me food when they weren't looking, he'd keep me company and sometimes helped me escape for a while. He couldn't do much since he was young but I was grateful to him anyways. When I moved here with Sophie, i'd seen him a few times around the school and other places I go, he'd be watching, he'd wave and then disappear. Sometimes he'd come and say hello if there was no one around or if we were in a really crowded place. Even if I love Shaun my heart belongs to Chase, and he knows it.
When we break apart he smiles happily at me, "I love you Destany" he whispers and kisses my cheek. "Always" and then just like that he walks down the hallway and disappears, he'll probably be back when Adam gets here. I sigh and slide down the wall and sit on the floor, then I remember what Chase said...Audience...I look up slightly and see Shaun, Sophie and some other random people stood there. The random people are whistling whilst Shaun stares at me and Sophie looks worried. I beckon them over and they walk towards me, "What's going on?" Sophie asks, glancing in the direction Chase went. "Adam is coming here tonight and he's been turned" she goes silent for a second and then sits down on the floor with me. "You're serious?" "Yeah, Chase just told me, if he comes here we have to get rid of everyone when he arrives, either that or tell them that we put on a show?" I laugh and Sophie just rolls her eyes. I then look up at Shaun, "Who was that" he growls darkly, "Chase Jones, or CJ whichever you want" I shrug. "Why did he kiss you and bite you" he says siting down next to Sophie and glaring at me, I shake my head and Sophie explains. "He's her protector of sorts" I laugh at that and get another glare from Shaun sent my way. I can tell Sophie is about to laugh also but she holds back; "He's been with Destany since the beginning" she continues, "Beginning?" Shaun asks. "From when my parents were alive to now" I fill in, Shaun just watches me. I wave Sophie off and she nods and goes to tell the rest about Adam. "I love you Shaun, believe me I do but...Chase has had my heart since the beginning, he marked me before anyone else could" I sigh, "But I don't mind that he did because I still love him Shaun, but what I felt for you was definitely serious, I was ready to let you mark me and still am but there are complications with that" I explain and look up at him, "If you mark me, you have to deal with not having all of me" I say and he winces but then comes closer to me, "You'd still let me mark you?" "You'd still want to mark me?" I counter him and he smiles, "Of course" he says softly and picks me up and carries me towards his room. I could've sworn I saw Chase winking for a second as we enter the room. He lays me down on the bed and kisses my neck, "I'm going to do it now" he whispers and I nod, he rests his fangs on my collarbone but before he does he speaks up, "I'll do it on this one since I can see the previous scars on the other" "Thank you" I smile and he brings his fangs down forcefully and I grit my teeth in pain, I let him mark me and I grip the bed sheets until my knuckles go white. All that bullshit about marking each other is nice and gentle...BULLSHIT! It hurts worse every time, it feels like every cell in your body is being torn apart! I sigh in relief as he stops biting and brings his face to mine, he kisses me softly and then helps me up. "That hurts like a bitch you know" I glare at him, "Sorry" he shrugs and hugs me. "Whatever let's get this party finished before Adam gets here." I sigh and we walk out into the throng of the party.

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