Only one thing {ENDING}

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Chapter 38
"How are you?" Blaise asked gently. Scarlett didn't say anything. She just kept staring in front of her. "Okay, stupid question." Blaise was looking at Scarlett, hoping she would say something. "Maybe we should get ready for the funeral?" Scarlett still didn't aswer. "Scarlett. You're not the only one who cares for Draco." -"I know that, Blaise. I'm sorry. Just don't make me talk." -"Hmm, I understand. Maybe I should leave then?" Blaise got up and left. Scarlett took a deep breath and was about to leave as well, but then she saw Harry. Harry, Granger and Weasel. Scarlett rushed towards Harry and pushed Ron aside to hug Harry. "Harry.. I-" -"I know" Harry interrupted. Scarlett saw how Ron and Hermione were rolling their eyes. "You guys have a problem with me?" Hermione quickly looked away, but Ron didn't. "Yeah, that's right. You knew Draco had to kill Dumbledore, didn't you? You knew everything! And it never came to your mind to tell Harry or Dumbledore or just someone about this?!" -"Ron.." Harry said. "No, Harry! This bitch knew everything and just let it happen, so nothing would happen to her silly boyfriend! And now you come here and act like you care for Harry. But if you really cared for him, none of this would have happened!!" -"Ron enough. Let's go." Hermione pulled his arm and they left. "Don't listen to him. I know you didn't have a choice." -"He's right, Harry." Scarlett sighed. -"Scarlett... This is not your fault. If it's anyone's fault, then it's Voldemort's. And let us please talk about something different?" -"Okay. What about you and Ginny?" Harry was looking rather surprised. "You know about us?" -"Lize told me." -"I'm sorry you had to hear it from someone else. I hadn't really had the chance yet to tell you." -"That's okay. I'm happy for you two. You two are perfect for each other." -"Thanks, Scarlett" Harry smiled at her and Scarlett smiled back. Not a forced one this time. She truly felt happy for him. "I'm not coming back next year. Dumbledore gave me a task. I can't tell you what, but-" - " That's okay, Harry. Do what you have to do."
Scarlett went to bed early tonight. Not to sleep, but as an excuse to be left alone. Everytime someone mentioned Draco, she had to hold her tears back. Now she was finally alone. But that wasn't so good either. The only thing she could think about now was, of course, Draco. When would she see him again? Would it be weeks or months, or.. Would she even see him again? She didn't know what happened at the Astronomy Tower. Should she be greatful that Snape killed Dumbledore instead of Draco? Scarlett just didn't know. She didn't want to know. She didn't want anything right now. The only thing she wanted was Draco...


{A/N: I hope you enjoyed my story. What did you think of it?
Tell me your favourite chapter/Character/Quote/or whatever you want. xD
Should I write a sequel?
Thanks again for voting and commenting! It means a lot to me :D}

{EDIT: Yes there is a SEQUEL now! So go ahead and read it if you liked this story :)}

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