Chapter 1

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There stood a little boy dressed in formal clothes and standing in front were 4 knights who were just 3 or 4 summers older than him. The boy him self looked about  14 summers. But Merlin couldn't help but notice that the boy looked oddly familiar. Knights wore sea green capes along with their armour and from Merlin's point of view it looked liked they were joking about something. But what he didn't was miss that the knights were addressing the little boy as 'sire' which meant that this boy was rather special like a prince. Then came in a little girl about 5 summers and the boy took her in his hands as the knights ruffled the hair of the little girl while she was giggling softly under their gentle touch 

Suddenly, the warning bells were ringing from every direction along with muffled screams which made the girl sob. Merlin looked out of the window and saw that were fires raging outside and houses getting demolished and people flying on dragons. Before he turned back he saw that the knights took the boy and the girl out of the room and were rushing them to the throne room, Merlin ran closely behind them, making sure he won't lose them. There he saw that there was a woman in a beautiful gown and a man with same dress robes as the boy who was now crouching down along with the little girl in the man's arms 

From the crowns Merlin guessed they were king and Queen but before anyone could do anything, there was a piercing scream followed by clanging of the swords by the King and another man who Merlin couldn't really make out. The 4 knights had taken upon themselves to defend the Queen and the royal heirs as the King fought the cruel man in front of him. 




"MERLIN!" I heard Gauis's voice ring through my tiny room "Get up boy,"

"five more....minutes," I mumbled pulling the covers over myself 

"Your already late Merlin," Gauis said snatching the covers from me "We have a big day today,"

I curled into a ball from the sudden cold hitting me from all sides but knew that he had a point. Today was a special day. I rubbed my eyes and made way to the bathroom while Gauis he is getting breakfast ready. Gauis is my guardian for as long as I can remember which isn't much since I barely remember my childhood but Gauis has been the father figure that I was missing and he took me under his wing in this castle. Gauis is the royal physician and plus he was best friends with the late king which meant he watched Arthur and Morgana -the King's heirs- grow up in this very castle 

Since I was already running late, I took the sandwich that Gauis made for me and went out of our room after bidding him farewell and it on my way to the servants quarters to see a friend of mine. Her name was Gwen and she was the Princess's maid but she was just like a sister to me. She must be the kindest and selfless person you would ever meet. In our past encounters there were many incidents where me, Arthur and Morgana had to save a lot of people because their father's cruel laws and Gwen used to help us in everything, once she even took a blame for everything when Morgana was accused of helping a boy with magic and Gwen took the fall for that but Arthur and me found a way to save both of them 

"Good morning Merlin,"  I heard her greeting and she waved making her way to me "Ready for today?"

"You should ask Arthur that," I smirked "I can assure you he will be pacing in his room right now," 

"Don't trouble the poor man today Merlin," Gwen nudged me "Take it easy on him today,"

"Sure," I smiled cheekily 

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