Chapter 21

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"Sire, go and seek out Marcus," Adrien shouted "We will handle here,"

Merlin paused for moment, not wanting to let his friends fight alone on this, after all they were fighting for his kingdom, he couldn't just leave them like this. He wanted to help his friends

"LEAVE SIRE!" Galahad shouted

"PROTECT ARTHUR," Merlin shouted back


Arthur was a little shocked that even in this much chaos he still thinking about protecting Arthur. Merlin finished another man before throwing open the big arc doors, to reveal dark suited throne room. Arthur being him, of course didn't let Merlin out of his sight and ignored the protests of the knights and followed Merlin. Merlin was a little shocked at first, the colourful and beautiful throne room which once looked so full of life, was now nothing but a dark and empty place. But one thing boiled and arose Merlin's magic was the presence of Marcus sitting on the throne which once belonged to his father and was now his

That smirk bought so many old memories back, the smirk he saw when Marcus had first attacked the kingdom and when he thought that he had killed his father; all Merlin wanted to do was run Excalibur through this man's heart. Marcus was the reason his parents are dead. Marcus was the reason his little sister didn't have a proper childhood. Marcus was the reason his family grew apart. Marcus was the reason his people had to suffer for so long. Everything came back to Marcus, and that angered Merlin more. Arthur noticed that Merlin was raging from anger, and because of his own magic, he could feel Merlin's magic, and it was like it will burst through him any moment now

"Prince Merlin," Marcus smirked getting up from the throne "King Arthur such a good pleasure to have family reunion, don't you think?"

"Marcus," Merlin seethed "We trusted you. I trusted you,"

"I did you a favour Merlin," Marcus raised his voice

"What favour Marcus?" Merlin shouted at him "You took my kingdom, you took away my family from me,"

"You told me yourself that you didn't think you were ready for a kingdom," Marcus reasoned

"That was freaking 10 years ago," Merlin shouts back "And that does not give you the right to act like a jerk and betray your family. Remember Marcus, when the city had turned on you but Father requested that they respect you and you had your life back. Look what you did to the man who loved and helped you, seeing it as his duty, not only as your king but more as your brother. Because you do not turn your back on the people you love, but you did just that,"

"Don't teach me about love boy," Marcus spitted out "You have no-,"

"This can end another way, Marcus," Merlin shouted at him "There doesn't have to be more bloodshed, you are not even fighting. You are hiding behind your army like a coward. A true king would fight with his people, ahead his people,"

Arthur had never seen Merlin this angry before, the sudden change in his actions and his voice made him very different from the Merlin he knew for years. Marcus came down from the throne and stood right in front of Merlin with the hilt of his sword directly on Merlin's chest closely near the heart. Arthur started to come forward but stopped when Merlin let out a hand to stop him

"This is my fight Arthur," Merlin reasoned

"Damn it, Merlin," Arthur said annoyed "This is no time for horse play,"

But Merlin's eyes flashed gold in Arthur's direction and Arthur froze on the spot. Merlin quickly shot him a smile and then saying 'I am sorry' not sure if Arthur would he hear it in his mind. But what he didn't know that he had, and it killed every fibre in Arthur to see Merlin like this and not being able to do anything

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