Chapter 28

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"Books that shouldn't get in the wrong hands," Arthur concluded

"Precisely," Merlin agreed

Merlin put his hands towards the books, as he muttered the word so of the old religion and the normal sized books were now just palm sized mini books. He stuffed them in the bag he had brought along with some jewellery which had the royal crest on it and decided to give those to Sylvia, she would be happy.


3rd Person POV:

No matter how much Arthur ignored, he could see that Merlin was getting many odd stares from the villagers who were old but the new ones gave welcoming smiles. Currently, Merlin was securing the bad on his horse when Davis had made his appearance one again known in the most idiotic way possible. Taking the horses

"Davis unhand the horses," Merlin sighed "They are royal property after all,"

"Please," Davis snickered " Royal my arse. Do you really think a coward like you is King?"

The men standing behind Davis took their swords out challenging the knights and the kings which by the old villagers was a very bad decision. And at this action Lancelot and Gwaine took their swords out as well, standing beside their kings

"How about one match with you," Davis smirked directed to Merlin "To the death?"

"This is ridiculous Merlin," Arthur muttered to Merlin "You can kill him in a heart beat,"

"Are you going to chicken out of this one, coward?" Davis asked walking towards Merlin

Arthur just heavily sighed knowing full well what Merlin would do and considering that he would win Arthur wasn't much worried about it. It was taking every ounce of energy in Gwaine in not to punch Davis and his men right square in the jaw as Lancelot held him back. By now, the people of the village were now around them,. creating a sort of circle

"Hold my horse Arthur," Merlin sighed as he took the hilt of his sword unsheathed it and walked towards Davis

Once Davis and Merlin were in middle they were circling each other, Merlin mostly waiting for him to call out but he was wrong when, suddenly Davis lunged forward but Merlin blocked the blow easily. Merlin flicked his wrist to point at Davis' sword blocking his hit and jabbed his elbow in between his shoulder, Davis stumbled back with a growl. Whistling could be heard from Gwaine making Merlin chuckle a little

Merlin swang at Davis first this time, who at first jumped back avoiding being hit but instead Merlin's sword came contact with his arm, cutting him lightly which made him back up but Merlin kept on going. His speed and lack of openings made Davis swing in desperation aimlessly and Merlin took advantage of that, their swords clashed together as Merlin wretched it from the commoner's grasp making it fall against the grass and the swing's force sent Davis down as well. Some gasps could be heard around the crowd, knowing full well that this match was to the death

And knowing that pretty well that fate was not on his side today, Davis closed his eye shut as Merlin brought his blade down and waiting for the pain. But when nothing came he opened his eyes a little and saw the King staring down at him with the sword jammed in the ground. He let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding as Merlin backed away a little, and offered him his hand. Davis took the offer and clasped his hand with Merlin's as he pulled him up, Merlin looked at him wearily before turning to villagers

"I do not wish for any bloodshed just to prove who is more superior, fighting isn't a children's play" Merlin stated. He then turned to Davis "It was good to see you Davis,"

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