Chapter 34

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Both the older ones took hold of the little ones but suddenly there was a weird cry and there were three men, covering their faces running towards them with swords ready. Even though Cora has magic, Luke still threw her way his dagger which she caught gracefully


Luke went in first taking on one of them as Cora used her magic with the two who charging her way, making the men flying away from the lot and clashing on the trees cracking their neck. Just at the time, Luke had drove his sword into the other man's gut, drawing out scarlet blood and he feel on the stone cold floor of the woods 

"Everyone one good?" Luke asked and the nodded "Then come on, were not wasting anymore time."

They made their way back to where Cora and Luke had tied their horses and Luke took Ed while Rose stayed with Cora. Luke waited for Cora to join them and kept her ahead of him so she was in sight with Rose. The ride back to Camelot's castle walls was silent but they had t be ready for what was coming. They made their way to the stables trying best not attract attention towards them but that was impossible since the twins cloths were tattered along with the oldest Princess who also had a slight red and purple bruise forming on her cheeks, the knight in training who went to the woods with a crisp white shirt came back with dried blood on it and dirt. Because of their statuses no one questioned as long as they were alright 

They jumped off their horses one by one and secured them in the stables before escaping the guards. The lot ran through the castle as subtle as they could but all stopped as they saw Merlin and Gwaine joking around coming their way, Cora and Luke glanced at each other before yanking the twins into a corner. Cora muttered a spell under her breath and as her eyes flashed golden, the lot had been turned invisible to Merlin and Gwaine 

"Did you feel that?" They heard Merlin's voice "A strong magic surge but a familiar one."

Gwaine gave him a confuse look as Merlin was gazing straight where the lot where hiding and they tried their best to stay as still as they could and held their breath not taking any risks. Merlin just shrugged as he and Gwaine just left again talking

"How could you forget who your father is?" Luke teased her as she sighed in relief and smiled sheepishly "I bet you h knows it's us."

Luke peaked his head out to check if Merlin and Gwaine had left and they had. Luke gestured for them to follow him and they did, making their way to Cora's room and bursting inside quickly. They leaned against the door, catching their breath before laying flat on the bed groaning 

"This is the last time i am doing this for you two," Cora sighed "How many times have i told you not to sneak off? Especially at night with so many bandits out in the woods."

"You say that every time." Luke pointed out whispering to her 

But the twins had heard and chuckled under their breaths, Cora huffed in annoyance as she removed her clock and shoved it in the laundry basket. Emma and Ed saw that that their sister wasn't in a mood for jokes right now and do did Luke though he might have guessed the reason. Cora was currently rummaging through her closet where she kept extra clothes for Emma and Ed for situation like these. She took out a light pink nightgown of Emma and a tunic and trousers for Ed. Emma took her clothes and went behind the screen to change while her brother waited for her and after a few minutes he does the same 

"You both will sleep here today." Cora told the twins and they nodded eagerly getting under the covers 

Luke let out a chuckle as he heard the twins' light snoring after a few minutes and Cora joined in, sitting in the edge of the bed beside him. It was silent again, all you could hear was the tick of the clock and the light snores

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