Chapter 7

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Author's Note:

Guys, I don't believe that in a matter of a few weeks i already have 81 reads. Thank you guys so much, now i am pretty sure about this story not being worthless. I had read books which only either had merthur or the idea of Merlin being a prince, so i decided to write a book with both the ideas together. I hope to hear for you guys more, thank you so much for keeping up with me and i hope you enjoy the story more as we go on

Arthur's POV:

I had just called a council meeting with Ealoran Knights and i have taken liberties to think over what Merlin had said about the magic and the kind of people who posses it. It was as if Merlin knew more about magic then i gave him credit for these kind of things, but how does he get time to get ll this information with all his chores...probably from the time he spent in the tavern. I put my boots on and make my way to the throne room meeting Merlin on the way

"You dressed yourselves?" Merlin says sarcastically gasping

"Oh please Merlin," I hit on the arm lightly "I can dress my self-,"

But before i could finish my pauldron's belt became loose ad fell the floor with long clank, my cheeks flushed pink as i heard the light chuckles of Merlin beside trying his best not to laugh out loud

"Sometimes i think what would you do without me," Merlin says in between his chuckles while he picked the pauldron up and came behind me to clasp it again

As he clasped it, i took the opportunity to look at him and kind of tensed realising our closeness and he was also a little rigid now as his blood rushes to his own cheeks. I wanna tell him so badly how much i love him but right now is not the perfect time and i don't even know of he feels the same way. As much as Morgana convinced me on my feelings, i still can't comprehend them

"Arthur?" Merlin's smack on the head took me out of my trance as i glare at him "I have called you name like 4 times now,"

"Everything okay?" He asks concerned masked his face

"Come on Merlin," I say dragging him with me "We don't have time for this right now,"

We make our way to throne room where everyone stood up once they saw me and gave a small bow as i came and sat down with Merlin beside me and everyone else sat as well. On my right was Morgana with Gwen behind her and on my left was Sir Galahad. The lords didn't have a good look towards the knights and both sides were glaring at each other

"Enough," Morgana said impatiently as i silently thank her "No one is asking you to be friends but you could at least behave like civil people,"

"Sorry, My lady," They responded with their heads down 

"Now back on business," I declared "I have thought about your aid, and i have decided to help you get your kingdom back despite of the magic included. I have already made arrangements and we leave in about 2 hours so you guys can ready and your more then welcome to ask for anything you need,"

"Thank you Sire," Sir Galahad said "We have a news of our own, we found our princess and she should be here soon enough before we leave and she would be coming with us. Sire, we have also found our Prince but he wishes to keep his identity a secret for now"

"That's good news indeed and i look forward to meeting the royal heirs soon enough," I tell them and then stand up as the others follow in actions "Well, then you lot should get ready for the journey,"

"Council Dismissed,"


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