Chapter 26

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"I forgave him a long back Merlin," She sobbed "I forgave him a long time ago"

"I know," Merlin said as he pulled her in for a hug


Merlin's POV:

I woke up to the sun's raise peaking through the gap in the curtains and lighting up my chambers slightly. I rubbed my eyes with one hand as i recognise that i was laying on Arthur's side with one of his hands on around my waist and the other he had rested on his forehead. We had to go for meeting people on the outlining villages, so i had to get a little work done before we leave and also had bid Gauis farewell because he was also returning to Camelot today. Apparently there is some disturbance in the lower town with a flu or something 

I glimpsed at the window, where the curtains weren't covering and I could see just see the roof of the other side of the castle. After Marcus, we had to rebuilt most of the lower town and a few parts around the city. What would've taken months, was done in just about 2 weeks and maybe need a little more time, people were willing to help and of course we had dragons, so that was an added bonus.

I tried to get out of Arthur's hold, but he only tightened his hold and smiled

"Arthur, as much i would love to just stay here with you," I told him knowing he was awake "We have to get up,"

"I know ," He mumbled 

He leaned in for a kiss capturing my lips once again sending the same shivers as though it was my first kiss with him. He pecked my lips one more time, before we untangled ourselves from each other and made our way out of my bed, well at least a did as Arthur groaned on the bed. I just chuckled as i threw back the curtains letting the sun's rays illuminate the the chambers completely

There was a light knock on the door and i didn't answer at first thinking they would just come in but when the knock became ten times more stronger did i know who it was and apparently they had led themselves in. James and Gwaine walked in with one hand covering their eyes, and i just rolled my eyes as Arthur who had risen up from his arrival grunted and fell back on the bed dramatically 

"Decent?" James asked 

"We can always come back la-" Gwaine got interrupted by Arthur

"Shut up Gwaine," Arthur grunted but his voice a little muffled because of his head which was buried in the pillows

"Yes James," I replied amused to what he had planned to see "What do you need so early?" 

"Your blessing and permission," James said and he went down, bowing on one knee"I guess what i am asking is your sister's hand in marriage,"

"Woah," Gwaine whined like a child, i just ignored him for now

I couldn't believe it for a second, sure i knew that they were dating but i didn't think they were this much serious, though i would've killed James if he had hurt Sylvia in anyway. Even Arthur had once again risen on the bed, looking between James and I in amusement. I chuckled lightly before pulling James in for a hug patting his back 

"I wouldn't want anyone else," I told him as he mumbled a thank you 

"Though if you hurt Sylvia," Arthur said leaping of the bed "You would have to deal with two Kings,"

"Calm down princess," Gwaine smirked as he earned a glare from Arthur

"I swear to god i will..." Arthur threatens Gwaine but then surrenders throwing his hands in the air "i don't even care anymore,"

Gwaine smirked became bigger if it was even possible and Arthur just threw himself on the bed, what kind of friends have i been stuck with

"Of course," James said pulling away from our embrace "I would never do anything to hurt her,"

"I hope so," I assured him "Now, shall we go down for breakfast?"

We make small talk as James and Gwaine waits for me and Arthur to change and then we head down for breakfast together, and their i see that everyone is already here

--------- After Breakfast----------

Currently, me and Arthur were all set to ride out to the villages and towns, while the knights - except Lancelot and Gwaine- were to set for checking the attacks and Gauis was going back to Camelot with some of my men. I was standing beside Morgana as Gauis bid farewell to the group and after Morgana as he reached me, he pulled me in an embrace which i returned immediately 

"Good bye, my boy," Gauis whispered to him "You have made me very proud and I am sure Balinor and Hunith think the same"

"Thank you so much Gauis," I thanked him "For everything,"

Gauis patted me one last time on my back before he pulled away and gave me a warm smile. He then moved on to everyone else and then i was helping him on his horse 

"I will be sure to come and visit," I told him as he gave me a warm smile and the added "Send me a letter when you reach safely," 

 I then moved to the knight in front "You will be on a safe passage from here but still be alert, any break you want to take, take it with in Ealoran. Bane will be assisting you from the sky, watching for any trouble. Once you reach Camelot, don't stop until you reach the citadel, you understand," I ordered him 

"Yes Sire," He bowed his head 

"Merlin there is no need for this," Gauis said shaking his head 

"Gauis you know as well as I that me nor Arthur are there to protect you not even our knights," I told him "So i need you to get to Camelot without a single scratch,"

"Take care," Gauis said as he patted my shoulder one last time

I watched as Gauis and my men left the palace walls at a moderate speed. Some of Camelot's were also send with him, so nothing goes wrong. Once he left the citadel, I turned back towards the stables where Arthur was getting two horses accompanied by Gwaine who also had two. I smiled at Arthur before taking the horse with black mane and started to saddle the bad which i was bringing with me, because we would be going to Ealdor and i want to bring the belongings of my mother back with me

 "What are the bags for?" Gwaine asked eyeing them suspiciously

"We will be visiting Ealdor and i want to bring the belongings of my mother home," I answered 

"Right," He replied looking around "Where is Lancelot?"

I looked around and spotted Lancelot and Gwen kissing, and by the chuckle from Arthur and light whistling from Gwaine, he had already gotten his answer. Once the horse is ready, i have one last conversation along with Arthur with our knights, confirming that they were sure about everything,  and everything was settled, we mounted our horse one by one. We glance at the knights and girls one more time before riding out our selves. Me and Arthur in the front with Lancelot and Gwaine following behind us

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