Chapter 5

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Merlin's POV:

As i reached Gauis' chambers, i was pacing back and forth just thinking about what the knights had said. Their story about how their kingdom had been taken away from them, was just the way it was in the dreams i have been having. Same thing happened with Morgana except for she was seeing the future and me....

"Uggggg" I let out a groan as i sit on the stool with my head in my hands 

"You look troubled Merlin," Gauis states crushing something in the bowl "Everything alright? What did mess up this time?"

I give him a half hearted glare 

"Why do you suppose i did something wrong?" I ask him 

"Because you always start something, either you find trouble or trouble comes looking for you," He replied 

He was telling the obvious truth. I though about telling Gauis of my theories which i am pretty sure are wrong but doesn't hurt to try it, right?

"Gauis, when the Knights of Ealoran came today and when i was taking their bags to get them settled in, they called me their lost prince," I told him everything "They know about me being a dragonlord, having magic and my parents,"

Gauis was not that shaken up as i thought he would be, though he was a little unsettled and stopped what he was doing and came to sit beside me. He put a hand on my shoulder and i could see the mixed emotions in his eyes quickly masked it 

"Get Sir Galahad," Was all he said before he went into my room

I was so confused, i just told him that someone knows about my magic and he is so carefree about it. I was actually thinking he would kill me by himself. I was lost in my thoughts and suddenly hit something hard and was about to fall, before an arm caught my mine. I looked up to find that it was Arthur in his white tunic and trousers

"Arthur, can't talk right now," I told him but blushed either way when his hand made contact with my skin

I can only solve one problem at a time, and Arthur isn't running anywhere i can talk to him later. I went and fetched Sir Galahad from his chamber and took him to Gauis'. All the time walking all i could think about was Gauis and his reaction and why was Sir Galahad involved into to this. As i opened the door to Gauis', Sir Galahad just went inside where Gauis was and gave him a hug, well this is not shocking at all

"What is going on here?" I ask them dramatically with hands on my waist 

"Oh, Gauis was always like a father figure to me when Queen Hunith use to visit Ealdor and we use to visit Gauis here," Sir Galahad said 

"Right," I replied eyeing the knight but then turning to Gauis "Now can you tell me why you are so calm because i am freaking out, and why we have him here?"

Gauis gestured for us to sit and put some berries in a bowl and kept it in the middle of the small table we were on as i take a two in my hand pop in my mouth

"Galahad had contacted during Ealoran's downfall and how the Prince was hit by some spell and was left unconscious and that they didn't have time to properly see what happened to him so they just ran with him until they came to Ealdor," Gauis said "And since then they have been split up, the prince i believe was hit with a memory spell,"

I stared at him probably looked dumbfounded before my eyes widened and realisation hits me

"Gauis, this isn't true," I stand up pacing the room again "I am nothing of the sort you guys describe,"

"We can try one thing, Sire," Sir Galahad said "Gauis, i can use my magic to use a counter spell,"

I looked at Gauis as he gave a thought to it, and then slightly nodded giving Sir Galahad the spell book i think he got from my room. Gauis pushes me down on the cot and tells me to lie down and i do as i am told 

"This is a waste of time you know," I rolled my eyes 

"Be quite, Merlin," Gauis said shutting me up "This might hurt a little,"

I have tolerated pain before, so i didn't really bother for the pain. Sir Galahad put his hand on my forehead and started muttering something. As soon as it was quite again, my head gave in and the pain was getting unbearable as a million images came running in my head all at once and i tried to get up, but felt dizzy and layed back down. My head now felt like a person was beating with a thousand hammers all at once

I tried to focus on the image, and i saw an image of my mother and father hugging with me and a little girl between them. Then another where i have a little baby in my hands who has the same blue ocean eyes as me. One more came in where i am crowned the crown prince and my father putting the crown on my head as i stand and the people clap. Suddenly the pictures change as i hear people screaming and crying for help, as i see the same pictures as i saw in my previous dreams. The screams were so unbearable that i couldn't listen or see anymore and before i could do anything there was black in front my eyes and fell out of conscious 

3rd Peron POV:

The duo watched on the sidelines as they saw Merlin on the cot with his body outlined a lined in a yellow glow. Suddenly the quietness was replaced with Merlin's screams and the light yellow glow had vanished 

"Gauis, whats happening?" Sir Galahad asked worriedly

"He is finally remembering," He replied "And i think now he is seeing the battle,"

When they thought that everything was going smoothly, Lancelot came bursting though the door and saw the scene in front of him. He looked from Merlin to the Knight and physician 

"What going on here?" Lancelot asked looking at Merlin "What wrong with him?"

"Oh, nothing at all," Gauis said "you know, how Merlin is, just stumbled down the stairs,"

While telling him he lightly pushed a confused Lancelot out of his chambers and let out a heavy sigh after bidding him goodbye 

"Well, let's see how this goes," Sir Galahad says rubbing his hands and sitting back down eating the berries 

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