Chapter 27

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I looked around and spotted Lancelot and Gwen kissing, and by the chuckle from Arthur and light whistling from Gwaine, he had already gotten his answer. Once the horse is ready, i have one last conversation along with Arthur with our knights, confirming that they were sure about everything, and everything was settled, we mounted our horse one by one. We glance at the knights and girls one more time before riding out our selves. Me and Arthur in the front with Lancelot and Gwaine following behind us


3rd Person POV:

"I was teaching you how to create a flower!" Merlin exclaimed as he caught his breath "How did you manage to summon lightening?"

Arthur just shrugged as he examined his hands "Your not a good teacher, Merlin," he said eyeing him 

"If i can teach Morgana and Mordred," Merlin pointed to him "You are nothing,"

"Let's try that again, shall we," Arthur said rubbing his hands together in an attempt to do it again 

"Just promise not to kill me this time," Merlin joked but Arthur just gave him his famous look "Just relax and feel the nature around you, you are literally in the middle of the woods this shouldn't be too hard,"

Arthur glared at him before closing his eyes and doing what Merlin had said. He lout a breath he didn't know he was holding as he muttered the words of the old religion and opened his eyes just as Merlin saw his eyes's glow gold for an instant before coming back to royal blue. He opened his palms and found a beautiful blue rose sitting in his palms. Merlin came towards him and saw his creation and gasped  

"I didn't know that blue rose existed until now," Merlin muttered 

"It's beautiful," Arthur whispered as Merlin nodded 

The two warlocks after they were done with a little practise went back to the campsite and sat down as Lancelot had dinner ready. Once they had dinner, they had bid each other good night and went for their bed rolls for a good nights sleep  


It had almost been a two week since the lot had ridden out to the villages. Currently, they are making their way to Ealdor and just crossed the border in to Camelot. Right now all Merlin could think about was how he was gonna face these people who bullied him once. Made fun of him and who he was, moreover, they don't know that he was a prince and supposedly now a king

"Merlin?" Arthur questioned his look of concern "what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing important," Merlin mumbled a lie

Though Arthur could tell that he was not telling the truth, he didn't want to push it further but remained and as they rode, he wrapped his fingers around Merlin's and gave him a little smile as Merlin looked at him with the sudden contact. Merlin smiled forgetting about his worries for a brief second and looked ahead, from behind Lancelot and Gwaine were both smirking but nonetheless feeling happy for their two kings   

The afternoon sun was shining down on the fields on Ealdor as the farmers yielded crops. Some villagers gathered around as they saw the royal party coming their way. As some recognised Arthur they bowed down still oblivious - mostly because Merlin wasn't wearing his crown- that Merlin was the new profound king they were suppose to greet . Both the kings and the knights jumped off their horses and tied them to a near by tree securely before making their way to the people. The villagers bowed to Arthur 

"Merlin?" A man called out "Is that really you? Dressed so modest like you are someone important,"

"Good to see you too, Davis," Merlin rolled his eyes turning to one of his child hood bullies 

Davis gave a smirk as he eyed Merlin and laughed 

"Your still just the same worthless peasant no matter how your king dresses you," Davis said shoving Merlin a little and laughed as two guy behind him did the same  "Go run to your mum crying again,"

Others had had enough of the teasing, they pulled grabbed the hilt of their swords and directed it to the group of men 

"You will speak with respect to the king," Lancelot hissed pointing to Merlin 

"Nobody speaks ill of him," Gwaine added 

"Gwaine...Lancelot," Arthur said pulling them back a little "Keep them away," directing to the swords 

The villagers were shocked to say the least. They knew that of course he was Hunith's son but him being a king was out of the question. Those he didn't want to get on the wrong side, bowed to Merlin as well, but Merlin dismissed it. He sent a glare to Davis and his group and made his way to the middle of the crowd so he could speak to everyone

Merlin could recall some familiar faces, people he had once worked with when he was here. But mostly, there were new faces as well

"I am sure that many of you will have a lot of questions," Merlin stated "So i will tell you everything, from the beginning to the end,"

Merlin started from where his first was attacked and had got taken over by Marcus. He told them about how his family had split up, how he had to come seeking shelter in Ealdor and then later in Camelot. Of course he skipped all the parts with Arthur's destiny and only told them the important stuff. Lastly, he told them about his parents death and then later on how he had became king 

The villagers listened to each and word he had to say, intrigued by the King's past life but felt a little angry at the same time for hiding the truth though of course no one admitted it, he was king after all. When Merlin was done, he looked at the people and they were speech less but Davis looked more out of place then the res. He just couldn't believe it that the kid, the peasant he use to call lowly was standing in front of him as a king, a person he never thought he would ever see Merlin be, but there he was. But Davis still didn't care about anything, he was still on his old way of teasing 

"DAVIS!" Merlin's outburst silenced him "I am not in the mood for your facade right now, really. I just came here to take my mother's belongings which she left in a hurry,"

Merlin pushed passed him followed by Arthur and went straight in to the house which he grown familiar with for the past years. He remembers everything how it use to be, everything was in it's place. He went past the small dining room and made his way upstairs to his mother's chambers and gasped a little 

"What happened here?" Arthur asked from behind him picking the remains of the broken plates 

The whole was trashed and plates broken along with some sort of glass, the clothes were scattered around the room and books littered the floor wit torn pages. Let's just say that nothing in the room was in it's right place. Merlin did find something valuable though, when he noticed that the floorboard was a little broken from the edges. Curiously, he took his sword and jammed it in the floorboard, taking the piece out, and looking whats inside 

"Not bad!" Arthur said looking over the warlocks shoulder 

"It's Ealoran's old maps and history related books," Merlin said examining the loft "It also has some books related on magic," 

"Books that shouldn't get in the wrong hands," Arthur concluded 

"Precisely," Merlin agreed 

Merlin put his hands towards the books, as he muttered the word so of the old religion and the normal sized books were now just palm sized mini books. He stuffed them in the bag he had brought along with some jewellery which had the royal crest on it and decided to give those to Sylvia, she would be happy. 

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