Chapter 25

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Both enjoyed each other's warmth, admitting that they needed each other no matter what and nothing could bring them apart. If anything, removing all the secrets from between them, brought the two kings even closer.

And soon not only two kings but the two kingdoms


3rd Person POV: (2 weeks later)

The two Kings were rushing through the corridors of the Ealoran castle. One buttoning his jacket while running and one fumbling with the strings of his tunic; both battling to look decent

"This is all your fault, we are going to be late to my first council meeting" Merlin said a little louder than intended "Prat,"

"How is this my fault?" Arthur shouted as Merlin was ahead of him 

"Who was  suddenly awake and couldn't keep his hands to himself?" Merlin stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Arthur 

"Well who told you to share the bed with me anyway?" Arthur said after a few seconds but was confused on his come back 

The duo's banter of insults could be heard all through out the castle and they were not aware that they had reached the throne room. The knights of both kingdoms, and the others, came out to look at the fuss which the young kings had created. The closest to them couldn't keep their laughter in, though some lords looked at them disapprovingly but no one paid attention to them

"Ahem," Gauis cleared his throat purposefully 

The Kings, stopped abruptly mid sentences and looked around them to the audience they had created, the girls couldn't keep their laughter and along with them followed their closest knights as well. Merlin's cheeks were bright red which mirrored perfectly to Arthur's, as they both glare at their knights and their sisters 

"Do continue princesses," Gwaine said chuckling as Merlin and Arthur both glare at him  

Merlin just shook his head as he moved passed the crowd and went into the council chambers where there was a rectangular table set. The lords who were already inside and were seating stood up and bowed in respect before Merlin came and sat down on the head of the table with Arthur on his left and Sylvia on his right. And the others also took their places around the table and once everyone was seated they started their discussion 

Now Merlin knew why Arthur used to hate going to meeting sometimes, it can get pretty boring  times and matter of state isn't always a fun thing to deal with anyway. Merlin wasn't the only on though, Gwaine accidentally yawned a little louder then intended which earned him a kick from under the table by Leon who was sitting opposite him

The knights of Ealoran didn't look much interested either, they were fumbling with something under the table which earned them glances of annoyance from the lords. Percival was trying to look as focused as he could and  Lancelot was distracted by Gwen. The girls, were maintaining a straight posture as they should in public but Morgana was playing by the tips of her hair, making into a simple braid and then opening it again. Sylvia was playing with the pearls on her dress, picking on them but being careful so they don't detach themselves from the dress 

Arthur could tell the boring face on Merlin, and reached his hand out from under the table towards his and intertwined their fingers together; smiling when he was the corners of Merlin's lips forming into a smile glancing at him once 

"Sire, we have one problem," Galahad said ignoring the expression Merlin made when the knight used his title 

"What is it?" Merlin asked now perked up a little on his seat and the rest followed his lead 

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