Chapter 17

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"Right now you need to think about the battle tomorrow morning," Mordred remained him though he hadn't forgotten

"I know," Merlin replied


Merlin's POV:

We were almost at the brick of dawn when we had entered back to Ealoran and only had an hour more to go before we reached camp. The start of the war, Arthur's magic and the thought of seeing father again have both been in my head the entire night, though meeting Cora once more was a little better and seeing her doing well was even more meaningful

"What are you thinking about?" Arthur's voice startled me a little

"Nothing much," I replied him giving him a smile but his glare told me that he saw right through me

"You can't lie to me besides your terrible at it," Arthur said riding more closer to me "Your thinking about the war aren't you?"

I give him a slight nod and he took one of my hands in his warm ones, instantly warming up my hand as well

"Just like every war before this," Arthur reassured "We will win this one as well...together,"

And with that he squeezed my hand tightly now and since we were right at the back, he placed a kiss on my cheeks and i felt a shiver run down my spine as his cold lips made contact with my cheek but loved the feeling anyway

Suddenly, Leon's hand was in the air and we all pause in our tracks and everything goes silent except for few horse gallops which we were getting nearer.. All the Knights along with Arthur jumped off their horses and took their swords out including Morgana who took her dagger, so following them, i took my sword out as well. First, i thought that they were bandits, but then my eyes landed on their black attire which held his crest. They were Marcus' men. All at once, the bandits run towards us with battle cries and we did the same

3rd Person POV:

Everything went blurry from there on, with swords clashing and clanging on swords ringing the metallic sound through out the woods. Arthur's sword clashes with the masked man, the harsh sound of metal on metal vibrating through out the clearing. Over the man's shoulder Arthur could see Merlin, he stumbled over a root but gained his footing and slashed the sword through the man's chest and that started Arthur a little as he gave a last blow to his opponent. To his right, his sister stood elegantly dodging hits and attacking when she got the chance but doing very good nonetheless  

Mordred came behind Arthur easily blocking a blow on his King, and sliced his sword right through his gut. Arthur spun around and locked eyes with Lancelot, giving him a slight nod receiving one from Lancelot, before both of them resumed to fight. Gwaine let out cry as a sword cam in contact with his arm, but nonetheless, injures his opponent. Marcus's men were decreasing now, and everyone could see how skilled  Merlin was, with his incredible fast footing, the way his posture remained straight and agile

Though everyone was busy fighting, no one had missed Merlin's acts. Everyone's jaw dropped as Merlin took two men at a time and killed both of them, one with a sword in his gut and one was sent flying hitting his head on the tree pretty hard. The rest of the men, had a very good sense to flee, so they wouldn't have to join their limp  crew on the forest floor with glassy eyes staring at the sky  

As four men from nowhere advanced on Arthur and Morgana sending a spell their way, Arthur put his hands in-front of him and instantly a green light shun from his hands making the men in the front flying back and Morgana's eyes glowed golden as the other two went flying as well. Arthur snapped his head towards Morgana then looked at his hands with fear and cursorily. But if everyone was surprised at Merlin for having magic, they all jumped out of their skin once green light shun from Arthur and Morgana. They had forgotten about Merlin having magic for a awhile 

Merlin just stood their, now everything was out. Everyone knew, no secret were kept now. Merlin just casually picked up a mere leaf and started to clean his sword, looking interested in the forest floor and not meeting the knights' gaze. Morgana just kept her gaze on her brother and Arthur just stared at his hands 

"You lot have magic?" Elyan asked eyeing them but not in an angry way 

"Maybe," Merlin muttered 

All at once the knights except for Lancelot threw questions at them

"Why didn't you tell us?" Leon and Elyan asked

"How have you managed to keep it a secret for so long?" Percival butted in 

"For how long have you been practising magic?" Gwaine stumbled out 


Merlin had had enough and he interrupted as Leon spoke again 

"Enough," Merlin shouted above them, the authority in his voice made them shut up instantly "We will tell you everything but right now we should get out of here. We will talk on the way,"

The Knights just nodded and made their way to the horses still trying to comprehend what they had seen. Merlin went to Arthur's side and took one of hi hands in his and lightly kissed his knuckles

"Come on," Merlin whispered to him 

Merlin pulled him with him and luckily their horses where unharmed except that Morgana's horse was missing so Arthur gave his horse to her and Merlin forced Arthur to sit with him rather than walk. Arthur got onto Merlin's horse and kept once of his hands around Merlin's torso and Merlin leaned onto his lightly, liking the warmth, Arthur pulled him more close until his head was resting in Merlin's neck. No one spoke for another 30 minutes or so until Mordred broke the silence 

"It is only fair that you lot know that i also have magic," Mordred revealed 

The knights had seen so many surprises these past few minutes that they didn't even bother to call it a bluff. But were curious about their friends

"So, whose gonna explain to us more?" Gwaine asked 

"I guess Merlin should," Morgana said "He knows about everything anyway,"

"Another story time i guess," Merlin sighed 

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