Chapter 22

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"Merlin!" Arthur cried out " stay awake Merlin,"


 Arthur's POV:

My heart stopped as i saw the blood appearing through his chain-male. I shoved a gasping Marcus out of the way as Merlin fell on his knees and i held him before he could hit is head on the floor. As the blood was getting slightly more I, removed one of my hands from under his head and put pressure on his  wound as much as i could without hurting him more 

"Merlin!" I cried out " stay awake Merlin," 

Right then the doors burst open again, i heard multiple gasps and i look behind me, it's both of our knights and Sylvia, Morgana and Gwen all three had tears in their eyes. I rubbed the tears from my eyes, if their could still be hope for Merlin, we have to hurry. I couldn't pick him up bridal style because that would make more blood come out, so i put one of his hands around my shoulders and steadied his body weight with mine and James came to help as well

Galahad gives a knowing nod as he knows what i am asking and we all follow him out of the throne room and around some corridors all the while i could hear Morgana and Gwen consoling Sylvia. My thoughts right now were only getting Merlin to the Physician nothing else mattered right now. As we reached their, Galahad burst open the doors and i could already see so many people inside, and some were my own solders but the one that my caught my eye was Mordred laying on a cot with his head and shoulder bandaged and you could see the fried blood on them

I made a mental note to check up on him as well, but for now, Merlin was my first priority. We layed him at an empty cot and the physician Conroy came over to us and gasped when saw Merlin

"My lord, please give me some room," Conroy said and i give him nod

"Will he be alright?" I questioned him 

"Right now it looks like he has lost some blood," Conroy replied with his head down not meeting my eye and i knew exactly why "but i would have to further examination," 

I gave him a silent nod and glanced at Merlin, the normal pinkish cheeks were now a frightening pale colour and as i placed my hand on his forehead it wa really burning up. Silas brought some vials and herbs and i could tell that was my cue to leave for now so i stepped away from Merlin and went to Mordred where someone was checking his temperature and i could see that Mordred was also really pale but better then Merlin 

"How is he?" I heard Morgana's voice tremble more seeing Mordred 

"He will be fine, Morgana," I reassured placing a hand on her shoulders turning her towards me as he gives me nod and wipes a tear away 


It's been mostly two hours now maybe even more and we haven't gotten anymore news on whats going on with Merlin. As so many other people were brought on who were injured, it was getting crowded for us to stay inside, so Conroy sent us out and told us when he has a news he would call us in. All of us were pacing here and there outside the infirmary none of us wanting him to be alone right now. We had gotten an update on Mordred though, he had a hard blow on his head and dislocated a shoulder and a sword wound on the shoulder which was now healing but they couldn't say that when would he awake

I stopped at a corner and leaned my head against the wall, as i looked everyone. Everyone was so tense and distraught because of Merlin's condition. The normal cheer gleamed eyes of both their knights had gone, replaced with dull and fear for their friend. Sylvia had isolated her self with James in another corner resting her head on his chest, and i caught her time from time rubbing tears from her eyes and same goes for Morgana and Gwen. Though all of us partially relieved that Mordred was alright, but as more time passed by, we became more reckless by the minute and worried more about Merlin

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